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SSRL - BL9-3

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Beamline Name BL9-3
Primary Contact: NameRitimukta Sarangi
Secondary Contact: NameMatthew Latimer
StatusUndergoing upgrade
Status DetailsMirror replacement
%Time Available (general use)100
Experiments DetailsBeam line 9-3 is a wiggler side-station beam line dedicated to biological X-ray absorption spectroscopy and EXAFS measurements of dilute solutions and single crystals. BL9-3 is equipped with a 100-element Ge monolith solid-state detector in addition to ionization chambers and Lytle detectors. A dedicated liq-He cryostat allows for routine low temperature measurements on solutions. A Huber-Kappa goniometer, a Liq-He cryostream, a focusing polycapillary and a MAR CCD detector are available (in addition to specialized software) for single crystal measurements. The higher flux, tighter focus and excellent beam stability on BL9-3 is ideal for very dilute samples and single crystals.
Special CapabilitiesAbsorption Edges
Special Capabilities DetailsCombined crystallography and XAS on the same crystal system.
Source Details16-pole, 2-Tesla wiggler - 2.5 mrad focused; 0.7 mrad unfocused
Spot Size (mm): Height0.3 focused; 2 unfocused
Spot Size (mm): Width4 focused; 20 unfocused
MonochromatorLiquid nitrogen-cooled double crystal, non-fixed exit slit
Crystal TypeSi(220), 2 phi orientations.
MirrorsM0: Si, vertically collimating, Flat, Bent,1 m, Rh-coated; M1: Si, Bent, cylindrical, Rh coated, Zerodur
Flux(PHOTONS/SEC)2 x 10^12
Flux Details9 keV, 100 mA, 3 GeV
Wavelength Range (Å)info not available
Energy Range (keV)4.6 - 23 focused; 4.6 - 30 unfocused
GoniometerHuber Kappa-geometry goniometer
Sample Handling: Manualtypical : 18 mm Cu magnetic mounts, flexible mount environment
Sample Handling: Roboticsmanual
Detector: Type100-element Ge monolithic detector, ion chambers, Lytle and PIPS Si drift detector.
Detector: ModelCanberra
Detector: Activated for Serviceinfo currently not available
Detector: Removed from Service
Cryo CapabilityOxford CF1208 continuous flow liquid helium cryostat; Cryo Industries Cryocool-LHe
Cryo Capability Details10-200 K in cryostat, 20-200 K with cryostream
Lab FacilitiesSample preparation laboratory, cold room, glove boxes, microscopes
Software: NameICS (instrumentation control); XAS Collect (acquisition, Ge30Plus (detector setup), SRS570 (amplifier control), EXAFSPAK (analysis)
Software: ClassificationControl, data acquisition, analysis