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ELETTRA 5.2R 11.2C


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Beamline Name 5.2R
Primary Contact: NamePolentarutti Maurizio
Secondary Contact: NameCassetta Alberto
Owner/OperatorSincrotrone Trieste and CNR
Experiments DetailsThe beamline has been designed primarily for macromolecular crystallography.The tunability of the wavelength provides the opportunity to use the Multiwavelength Anomalous Diffraction (MAD) technique for solving the phase problem over a broad range of wavelengths, covering the absorption edges of all the heavy atoms commonly used in protein crystallography. The multipole wiggler spectrum includes high photon flux at low energies, allowing optimisation of the anomalous signal at the Sulphur, Xenon and Calcium edges. Helium purged beampath and helium based cryo-cooling at 100 K are available for data-collection experiments with long wavelengths.The beamline hosts also small molecules crystallography, protein crystallography, powder diffraction, high pressure physics, solid-state experiments.
Special CapabilitiesAbsorption Edges, Automated Sample Screening, High Pressure, High Resolution, High Throughput, Long Wavelength
Special Capabilities DetailsThe multipole wiggler spectrum includes high photon flux at low energies, allowing optimisation of the anomalous signal for Sulphur, Xenon and Calcium.
ServicesData collection, On-site cyrstallization facility, Processing, Rapid access
Source DetailsNdBFe multipole Wiggler
Spot Size (mm): Height0.200
Spot Size (mm): Width0.200
MonochromatorDouble Crystal or white beam
Crystal TypeSi111
MirrorsCollimating and focusing, Pt-coated
Flux(PHOTONS/SEC)1 x 10^13
Flux Details
Wavelength Range (Å)0.58 - 3.10
Energy Range (keV)4 - 21.5
GoniometerHuber Kappa Goniometer
Sample Handling: RoboticsElettra Sample Changer
Robotics: More InfoSPINE pins
1. Detector: TypeCCD
1. Detector: ModelMAR 165 mm
1. Detector: DetailsInstalled on 2theta arm of the Kappa Goniometer
1. Detector: Activated for Serviceinfo currently not available
1. Detector: Removed from Service
2. Detector: TypePIXEL
2. Detector: ModelDECTRIS PILATUS 2M
2. Detector: DetailsThe detector operates in single-photon-counting mode and has a large active area of 254x289 mm2, high dynamic range (2,000,000 counts per pixel), high frame rate (30 Hz) and minimal readout time of 3.6 ms. Images can be analyzed via XDS, imosflm and fit2d.
2. Detector: Activated for Service2010-03-01
2. Detector: Removed from Service
Cryo CapabilityOxford Cryosystems 700 series
Cryo Capability Detailsroutinely run at 100K
Lab FacilitiesCold room, high magnification microscope, microscope for sample mounting
1. Software: NameCCP4 suite (iMosflm)
1. Software: Classification
2. Software: NameXDS
2. Software: ClassificationProcessing
HardwareLinux PC workstations
Backup ServicesDVD, CD , connection of user's own laptop and USB devices