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SSRL - BL7-1

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Beamline Name BL7-1
Primary Contact: NameSilvia Russi
Secondary Contact: NameMike Soltis
Status DetailsDevelopment
%Time Available (general use)100
Special CapabilitiesAbsorption Edges, Automatic Crystal Alignment, Automated Sample Screening, High Resolution, High Temperature, Humidity Control
Special Capabilities DetailsFull remote access
ServicesHigh quality data collection, Processing, Rapid access, Structure refinement, Structure solution, On-site crystallization facility
Source Details20 pole wiggler
Spot Size (mm): Height0.1-0.2
Spot Size (mm): Width0.1-0.25
MonochromatorSide scattering I-beam bent single crystal
Crystal TypeSi(111)
MirrorsRh coated focusing mirror
Flux(PHOTONS/SEC)2 x 10^10
Flux DetailsFlux measured through a 0.2 x 0.2 mm2 aperture at 12.0 keV and 500 mA
Wavelength Range (Å)0.97 - 1.75
Energy Range (keV)7.1 - 12.7
GoniometerHuber Kappa-geometry goniometer
Sample Handling: Robotics(SAM) Stanford Automated Mounting System
Robotics: More InfoSee http://smb.slac.stanford.edu/users_guide/
1. Detector: TypeCCD
1. Detector: ModelADSC Quantum 315r
1. Detector: Activated for Service2007-01-01
1. Detector: Removed from Service
2. Detector: TypeIMAGE PLATE
2. Detector: ModelMAR Scanner 345 mm
2. Detector: Activated for Service1992-07-01
2. Detector: Removed from Service2007-07-01
Cryo CapabilityOxford Cryojet
Cryo Capability Details100K - room tempareature
Lab FacilitiesBiochemical lab with cold room; P2 biohazard
Software: NameSee: http://smb.slac.stanford.edu/facilities/software/
Software: Classification
HardwareSee: http://smb.slac.stanford.edu/facilities/computing/
Backup ServicesSee: http://smb.slac.stanford.edu/facilities/computing/backup.htm