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Diamond Light Source

is located in South Oxfordshire, UK

DIAMOND website

Diamond Light Source is a new scientific facility on the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in South Oxfordshire, UK. It welcomed the first scientific users in January 2007. Diamond is a third generation 3 GeV (Giga electron Volt) synchrotron light source. about 10,000 times brighter than the UK facility that was based at the Daresbury Laboratory in Cheshire (SRS). Diamond is currently the brightest medium-energy source in the world and is optimised to produce X-rays with energies between 100 eV (soft X-rays) and 2.0 GeV (hard X-rays)


Beamlines (xtal) Owner/Operator StatusExperimentsWavelength (Å)
I02 Diamond, Harwell Chilton Science Campus, South Oxfordshire, UK DecommissionedMAD, SAD, FLUORESCENCE0.7 - 2.5
I03 Diamond, Harwell Chilton Science Campus, South Oxfordshire, UK operationalMAD, SAD, FLUORESCENCE0.7 - 1.77
I04 Diamond Light Source Ltd., Harwell Chilton Science Campus, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, UK operationalMAD, SAD, FLUORESCENCE0.71 - 2.06
I04-1 Diamond, Harwell Chilton Science Campus, South Oxfordshire, UK OperationalSAD, MONOCHROMATICFixed: 0.916
I24 Diamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Oxfordshire, UK operationalMAD, SAD, FLUORESCENCE0.689 - 1.77
I23 CommissioningMAD, SAD, MONOCHROMATIC1.2 - 5.9
VMXi Diamond, Harwell Chilton Science Campus, South Oxfordshire, UK OperationalMONOCHROMATIC0.42 - 1.25

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