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Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron

is located in Campinas, Brazil

LNLS website

The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), installed in Campinas, is the first of its kind installed in the Southern Hemisphere and the only one in Latin America. LNLS, funded by the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT), makes its facilities available to users as a means of fostering Science and Technology. The infrastructure available to researchers includes beamlines with experimental stations installed at the synchrotron light source, high resolution electron microscopes, scanning probe microscopes and nuclear resonance spectrometers.


Beamlines (xtal) Owner/Operator StatusExperimentsWavelength (Å)
D03B-MX1 LNLS DecommissionedMONOCHROMATIC1.3 - 1.6
W01B-MX2 LNLS DecommissionedMAD, SAD, MONOCHROMATIC0.82 - 2.48

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