1OUP	12881435	Crystal structure of the periplasmic endonuclease Vvn complexed with octamer double stranded DNA	2003-03-25	2003-08-05	Li, C.-L.,Hor, L.-I.,Chang, Z.-F.,Tsai, L.-C.,Yang, W.-Z.,Yuan, H.S.	DNA binding and cleavage by the periplasmic nuclease Vvn: a novel structure with a known active site.	Embo J.	2003	22	4014	4025	
1IZR	12962489	F46A mutant of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A	2002-10-11	2003-11-25	Kadonosono, T.,Chatani, E.,Hayashi, R.,Moriyama, H.,Ueki, T.	Minimization of cavity size ensures protein stability and folding: structures of Phe46-replaced bovine pancreatic RNase A	Biochemistry	2003	42	10651	10658	
1V4E	14617622	Crystal Structure of Octaprenyl Pyrophosphate Synthase from Hyperthermophilic Thermotoga maritima	2003-11-13	2004-03-02	Guo, R.T.,Kuo, C.J.,Chou, C.C.,Ko, T.P.,Shr, H.L.,Liang, P.H.,Wang, A.H.-J.	Crystal Structure of Octaprenyl Pyrophosphate Synthase from Hyperthermophilic Thermotoga maritima and Mechanism of Product Chain Length Determination	J.Biol.Chem.	2004	279	4903	4912	
1PT3	14962381	Crystal structures of nuclease-ColE7 complexed with octamer DNA	2003-06-22	2004-03-30	Hsia, K.C.,Chak, K.F.,Liang, P.H.,Cheng, Y.S.,Ku, W.Y.,Yuan, H.S.	DNA binding and degradation by the HNH protein ColE7.	STRUCTURE	2004	12	205	214	
1WKQ	15180998	Crystal Structure of Bacillus subtilis Guanine Deaminase. The first domain-swapped structure in the cytidine deaminase superfamily	2004-06-01	2004-07-13	Liaw, S.H.,Chang, Y.J.,Lai, C.T.,Chang, H.C.,Chang, G.G.	Crystal Structure of Bacillus subtilis Guanine Deaminase: THE FIRST DOMAIN-SWAPPED STRUCTURE IN THE CYTIDINE DEAMINASE SUPERFAMILY	J.Biol.Chem.	2004	279	35479	35485	
1PP6	15451675	VVA2 (STRIP CRYSTAL FORM)	2003-06-16	2004-08-24	Lin, S.-C.,Lo, Y.-C.,Lin, J.-Y.,Liaw, Y.-C.	Crystal structures and electron micrographs of fungal volvatoxin A2	J.Mol.Biol.	2004	343	477	491	
1R0M	15313614	Structure of Deinococcus radiodurans N-acylamino acid racemase at 1.3 : insights into a flexible binding pocket and evolution of enzymatic activity	2003-09-22	2004-09-22	Wang, W.-C.,Chiu, W.-C.,Hsu, S.-K.,Wu, C.-L.,Chen, C.-Y.,Liu, J.-S.,Hsu, W.-H.	Structural basis for catalytic racemization and substrate specificity of an N-acylamino acid racemase homologue from Deinococcus radiodurans	J.Mol.Biol.	2004	342	155	169	
1WP5	15466871	Crystal structure of the C-terminal domain of DNA topoisomerase IV	2004-08-30	2004-10-12	Hsieh, T.-J.,Farh, L.,Huang, W.M.,Chan, N.-L.	Structure of the topoisomerase IV C-terminal domain: a broken beta-propeller implies a role as geometry facilitator in catalysis	J.Biol.Chem.	2004	279	55587	55593	
1XPY	15313614	Structural Basis for Catalytic Racemization and Substrate Specificity of an N-Acylamino Acid Racemase Homologue from Deinococcus radiodurans	2004-10-10	2004-10-26	Wang, W.-C.,Chiu, W.-C.,Hsu, S.-K.,Wu, C.-L.,Chen, C.-Y.,Liu, J.-S.,Hsu, W.-H.	Structural basis for catalytic racemization and substrate specificity of an N-acylamino acid racemase homologue from Deinococcus radiodurans	J.Mol.Biol.	2004	342	155	169	
1U24	15530366	Crystal structure of Selenomonas ruminantium phytase	2004-07-16	2004-11-09	Chu, H.M.,Guo, R.T.,Lin, T.W.,Chou, C.C.,Shr, H.L.,Lai, H.L.,Tang, T.Y.,Cheng, K.J.,Selinger, B.L.,Wang, A.H.-J.	Structures of Selenomonas ruminantium Phytase in Complex with Persulfated Phytate; DSP Phytase Fold and Mechanism for Sequential Substrate Hydrolysis	STRUCTURE	2004	12	2015	2024	
1U25	15530366	Crystal structure of Selenomonas ruminantium phytase complexed with persulfated phytate in the C2221 crystal form	2004-07-16	2004-11-09	Chu, H.M.,Guo, R.T.,Lin, T.W.,Chou, C.C.,Shr, H.L.,Lai, H.L.,Tang, T.Y.,Cheng, K.J.,Selinger, B.L.,Wang, A.H.-J.	Structures of Selenomonas ruminantium Phytase in Complex with Persulfated Phytate; DSP Phytase Fold and Mechanism for Sequential Substrate Hydrolysis	STRUCTURE	2004	12	2015	2024	
1PKU	15890279	Crystal Structure of Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase from Rice	2003-06-06	2005-02-22	Huang, J.Y.,Chang, T.,Chang, C.Y.,Chen, C.J.	Crystal structure of nucleoside diphosphate kinase required for coleoptile elongation in rice (Oryza sativa L.).	J.Struct.Biol.	2005	150	309	318	
1UG4	15895985	Crystal Structure of Cardiotoxin VI from Taiwan Cobra (Naja atra) Venom	2003-06-12	2005-02-22	Chen, T.S.,Chung, F.Y.,Tjong, S.C.,Goh, K.S.,Huang, W.N.,Chien, K.Y.,Wu, P.L.,Lin, H.C.,Chen, C.J.,Wu, W.G.	Structural difference between group I and group II cobra cardiotoxins: X-ray, NMR, and CD analysis of the effect of cis-proline conformation on three-fingered toxins.	Biochemistry	2005	44	7414	7426	
1VBJ		The crystal structure of prostaglandin F synthase from Trypanosoma brucei	2004-02-27	2005-04-12	Inoue, T.	The crystal structure of prostaglandin F synthase from Trypanosoma brucei	TO BE PUBLISHED	0	0	0	0	
2AFO	16135565	Crystal structure of human glutaminyl cyclase at pH 8.0	2005-07-26	2005-08-23	Huang, K.F.,Liu, Y.L.,Cheng, W.J.,Ko, T.P.,Wang, A.H.	Crystal structures of human glutaminyl cyclase, an enzyme responsible for protein N-terminal pyroglutamate formation	Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.Usa	2005	102	13117	13122	
2AFS	16135565	Crystal structure of the genetic mutant R54W of human glutaminyl cyclase	2005-07-26	2005-08-23	Huang, K.F.,Liu, Y.L.,Cheng, W.J.,Ko, T.P.,Wang, A.H.	Crystal structures of human glutaminyl cyclase, an enzyme responsible for protein N-terminal pyroglutamate formation	Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.Usa	2005	102	13117	13122	
2A3R	16083857	Crystal Structure of Human Sulfotransferase SULT1A3 in Complex with Dopamine and 3-Phosphoadenosine 5-Phosphate	2005-06-26	2005-08-30	Lu, J.H.,Li, H.T.,Liu, M.C.,Zhang, J.P.,Li, M.,An, X.M.,Chang, W.R.	Crystal structure of human sulfotransferase SULT1A3 in complex with dopamine and 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphate	Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.	2005	335	417	423	
1ZR6	16154992	The crystal structure of an Acremonium strictum glucooligosaccharide oxidase reveals a novel flavinylation	2005-05-19	2005-09-13	Huang, C.H.,Lai, W.L.,Lee, M.H.,Chen, C.J.,Vasella, A.,Tsai, Y.C.,Liaw, S.H.	Crystal structure of glucooligosaccharide oxidase from Acremonium strictum: a novel flavinylation of 6-S-cysteinyl, 8alpha-N1-histidyl FAD	J.Biol.Chem.	2005	280	38831	38838	
2D27	16162504	Structure of the N-terminal domain of XpsE (crystal form I4122)	2005-09-03	2005-09-20	Chen, Y.,Shiue, S.-J.,Huang, C.-W.,Chang, J.-L.,Chien, Y.-L.,Hu, N.-T.,Chan, N.-L.	Structure and Function of the XpsE N-Terminal Domain, an Essential Component of the Xanthomonas campestris Type II Secretion System	J.Biol.Chem.	2005	280	42356	42363	
2D28	16162504	Structure of the N-terminal domain of XpsE (crystal form P43212)	2005-09-03	2005-09-20	Chen, Y.,Shiue, S.-J.,Huang, C.-W.,Chang, J.-L.,Chien, Y.-L.,Hu, N.-T.,Chan, N.-L.	Structure and Function of the XpsE N-Terminal Domain, an Essential Component of the Xanthomonas campestris Type II Secretion System	J.Biol.Chem.	2005	280	42356	42363	
2D5N		Crystal structure of a bifunctional deaminase and reductase involved in riboflavin biosynthesis	2005-11-02	2005-11-29	Chen, S.J.,Chang, Y.C.,Liaw, S.H.	Crystal structure of a bifunctional deaminase and reductase involved in riboflavin biosynthesis	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
1XTA		Crystal Structure of Natrin, a snake venom CRISP from Taiwan cobra (Naja atra)	2004-10-21	2005-12-13	Wang, Y.-L.,Goh, K.-X.,Lee, S.-C.,Huang, W.-N.,Wu, W.-G.,Chen, C.-J.	Structures of snake venom CRISP reveal an action mechanism involving serine protease and ion channel blocking domains	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
2AVF	16293231	Crystal Structure of C-terminal Desundecapeptide Nitrite Reductase from Achromobacter cycloclastes	2005-08-30	2005-12-20	Li, H.T.,Chang, T.,Chang, W.C.,Chen, C.J.,Liu, M.Y.,Gui, L.L.,Zhang, J.P.,An, X.M.,Chang, W.R.	Crystal structure of C-terminal desundecapeptide nitrite reductase from Achromobacter cycloclastes	Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.	2005	338	1935	1942	
2CY1	17277442	Crystal structure of APE1850	2005-07-04	2006-01-04	Tanaka, H.,Umehara, T.,Inaka, K.,Takahashi, S.,Shibata, R.,Bessho, Y.,Sato, M.,Sugiyama, S.,Fusatomi, E.,Terada, T.,Shirouzu, M.,Sano, S.,Motohara, M.,Kobayashi, T.,Tanaka, T.,Tanaka, A.,Yokoyama, S.	Crystallization of the archaeal transcription termination factor NusA: a significant decrease in twinning under microgravity conditions	Acta Crystallogr.,Sect.F	2007	63	69	73	
1WS6		The Structure of Thermus thermphillus HB8 hypothetical protein TTHA0928	2004-11-01	2006-02-07	Sasaki, C.,Sugiura, I.,Sugio, S.,Tamura, T.,Inagaki, K.	The structure of thermus thermphillus HB8 hypothetical protein TTHA0928	TO BE PUBLISHED	0	0	0	0	
2F4B	16451087	Crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of human PPAR-gamma in complex with an agonist	2005-11-23	2006-02-14	Mahindroo, N.,Wang, C.C.,Liao, C.C.,Huang, C.F.,Lu, I.L.,Lien, T.W.,Peng, Y.H.,Huang, W.J.,Lin, Y.T.,Hsu, M.C.,Lin, C.H.,Tsai, C.H.,Hsu, J.T.,Chen, X.,Lyu, P.C.,Chao, Y.S.,Wu, S.Y.,Hsieh, H.P.	Indol-1-yl Acetic Acids as Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Agonists: Design, Synthesis, Structural Biology, and Molecular Docking Studies	J.Med.Chem.	2006	49	1212	1216	
1ZNV	16434744	How a His-metal finger endonuclease ColE7 binds and cleaves DNA with a transition metal ion cofactor	2005-05-12	2006-03-14	Doudeva, L.G.,Huang, H.,Hsia, K.C.,Shi, Z.,Li, C.L.,Shen, Y.,Cheng, Y.S.,Yuan, H.S.	Crystal structural analysis and metal-dependent stability and activity studies of the ColE7 endonuclease domain in complex with DNA/Zn2+ or inhibitor/Ni2+	Protein Sci.	2006	15	269	280	
2AZJ	16291686	Crystal structure for the mutant D81C of Sulfolobus solfataricus hexaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase	2005-09-11	2006-03-14	Sun, H.Y.,Ko, T.P.,Kuo, C.J.,Guo, R.T.,Chou, C.C.,Liang, P.H.,Wang, A.H.J.	Homodimeric hexaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase from the thermoacidophilic crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus displays asymmetric subunit structures	J.Bacteriol.	2005	187	8137	8148	
2DH4	16554305	Geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase	2006-03-22	2006-04-04	Chang, T.-H.,Guo, R.-T.,Ko, T.-P.,Wang, A.H.,Liang, P.-H.	Crystal Structure of Type-III Geranylgeranyl Pyrophosphate Synthase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the Mechanism of Product Chain Length Determination.	J.Biol.Chem.	2006	281	14991	15000	
2GGG	16650857	The mutant A68C-D72C of Deinococcus Radiodurans N-acylamino acid racemase	2006-03-24	2006-04-11	Chiu, W.C.,You, J.Y.,Liu, J.S.,Hsu, S.K.,Hsu, W.H.,Shih, C.H.,Hwang, J.K.,Wang, W.C.	Structure-Stability-Activity Relationship in Covalently Cross-linked N-Carbamoyl d-Amino acid Amidohydrolase and N-Acylamino acid Racemase.	J.Mol.Biol.	2006	359	741	753	
1ZOI	16321951	Crystal Structure of a Stereoselective Esterase from Pseudomonas putida IFO12996	2005-05-13	2006-05-02	Elmi, F.,Lee, H.T.,Huang, J.Y.,Hsieh, Y.C.,Wang, Y.L.,Chen, Y.J.,Shaw, S.Y.,Chen, C.J.	Stereoselective esterase from Pseudomonas putida IFO12996 reveals alpha/beta hydrolase folds for D-beta-acetylthioisobutyric acid synthesis	J.Bacteriol.	2005	187	8470	8476	
2G0H	16640330	Structure-based drug design of a novel family of PPAR partial agonists: virtual screening, x-ray crystallography and in vitro/in vivo biological activities	2006-02-13	2006-05-16	Lu, I.L.,Huang, C.F.,Peng, Y.H.,Lin, Y.T.,Hsieh, H.P.,Chen, C.T.,Lien, T.W.,Lee, H.J.,Mahindroo, N.,Prakash, E.,Yueh, A.,Chen, H.Y.,Goparaju, C.M.,Chen, X.,Liao, C.C.,Chao, Y.S.,Hsu, J.T.,Wu, S.Y.	Structure-Based Drug Design of a Novel Family of PPARgamma Partial Agonists: Virtual Screening, X-ray Crystallography, and in Vitro/in Vivo Biological Activities	J.Med.Chem.	2006	49	2703	2712	
1ZUH	16291688	Structural Basis for Shikimate-binding Specificity of Helicobacter pylori Shikimate Kinase	2005-05-31	2006-05-31	Cheng, W.C.,Chang, Y.N.,Wang, W.C.	Structural basis for shikimate-binding specificity of Helicobacter pylori shikimate kinase	J.Bacteriol.	2005	187	8156	8163	
2BO3	16395670	Crystal Structure of HP0242, a Hypothetical Protein from Helicobacter pylori	2005-04-07	2006-06-22	Tsai, J.-Y.,Chen H, B.-T.,Cheng, C.,Chen, H.Y.,Hsiao, N.W.,Liu, P.C.,Sun, Y.-J.	Crystal Structure of Hp0242, a Hypothetical Protein from Helicobacter Pylori with a Novel Fold	Proteins: Struct., Funct., Bio	2006	62	1138	0	
2FUJ	16763992	A putative acyl-CoA thioesterase from Xanthomonas campestris (XC229)	2006-01-27	2006-07-04	Chin, K.H.,Chou, C.C.,Wang, A.H.,Chou, S.H.	Crystal structure of a putative acyl-CoA thioesterase from Xanthomonas campestris (XC229) adopts a tetrameric hotdog fold of epsilongamma mode.	Proteins	2006	64	823	826	
2FUK	16754966	Crystal structure of XC6422 from Xanthomonas campestris: a member of a/b serine hydrolase without lid at 1.6 resolution	2006-01-27	2006-07-04	Yang, C.Y.,Chin, K.H.,Chou, C.C.,Wang, A.H.J.,Chou, S.H.	Structure of XC6422 from Xanthomonas campestris at 1.6 A resolution: a small serine alpha/beta-hydrolase	Acta Crystallogr.,Sect.F	2006	62	498	503	
2GZ7	16913704	Structure-Based Drug Design and Structural Biology Study of Novel Nonpeptide Inhibitors of SARS-CoV Main Protease	2006-05-11	2006-08-29	Lu, I.L.,Mahindroo, N.,Liang, P.H.,Peng, Y.H.,Kuo, C.J.,Tsai, K.C.,Hsieh, H.P.,Chao, Y.S.,Wu, S.Y.	Structure-Based Drug Design and Structural Biology Study of Novel Nonpeptide Inhibitors of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Main Protease	J.Med.Chem.	2006	49	5154	5161	
2GZ8	16913704	Structure-Based Drug Design and Structural Biology Study of Novel Nonpeptide Inhibitors of SARS-CoV Main Protease	2006-05-11	2006-08-29	Lu, I.L.,Mahindroo, N.,Liang, P.H.,Peng, Y.H.,Kuo, C.J.,Tsai, K.C.,Hsieh, H.P.,Chao, Y.S.,Wu, S.Y.	Structure-Based Drug Design and Structural Biology Study of Novel Nonpeptide Inhibitors of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Main Protease	J.Med.Chem.	2006	49	5154	5161	
2DUU	16880542	Crystal Structure of apo-form of NADP-Dependent Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase from Synechococcus Sp.	2006-07-27	2006-09-05	Kitatani, T.,Nakamura, Y.,Wada, K.,Kinoshita, T.,Tamoi, M.,Shigeoka, S.,Tada, T.	Structure of apo-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Synechococcus PCC7942	Acta Crystallogr.,Sect.F	2006	62	727	730	
2GSC	16948161	Crystal Structure of the Conserved Hypothetical Cytosolic Protein Xcc0516 from Xanthomonas campestris	2006-04-26	2006-10-03	Lin, L.Y.,Ching, C.L.,Chin, K.H.,Chou, S.H.,Chan, N.L.	Crystal structure of the conserved hypothetical cytosolic protein Xcc0516 from Xanthomonas campestris reveals a novel quaternary structure assembled by five four-helix bundles.	Proteins	2006	65	783	786	
2DSX	16930541	Crystal structure of rubredoxin from Desulfovibrio gigas to ultra-high 0.68 A resolution	2006-07-07	2006-10-10	Chen, C.J.,Lin, Y.H.,Huang, Y.C.,Liu, M.Y.	Crystal structure of rubredoxin from Desulfovibrio gigas to ultra-high 0.68A resolution	Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.	2006	349	79	90	
2IAG	17020766	Crystal structure of human prostacyclin synthase	2006-09-08	2006-10-10	Chiang, C.-W.,Yeh, H.-C.,Wang, L.-H.,Chan, N.-L.	Crystal Structure of the Human Prostacyclin Synthase	J.Mol.Biol.	2006	364	266	274	
2BQX	16988955	Inorganic Pyrophosphatase from the Pathogenic Bacterium Helicobacter pylori-Kinetic and Structural Properties	2005-04-28	2006-10-18	Chao, T.-C.,Huang, H.,Tsai, J.Y.,Huang, C.Y.,Sun, Y.-J.	Kinetic and Structural Properties of Inorganic Pyrophosphatase from the Pathogenic Bacterium Helicobacter Pylori.	Proteins	2006	65	670	0	
2D7E	17464287	Crystal structure of N-terminal domain of PriA from E.coli	2005-11-18	2006-11-07	Sasaki, K.,Ose, T.,Okamoto, N.,Maenaka, K.,Tanaka, T.,Masai, H.,Saito, M.,Shirai, T.,Kohda, D.	Structural basis of the 3'-end recognition of a leading strand in stalled replication forks by PriA.	EMBO J.	2007	26	2584	2593	
2GU9	17029242	Crystal structure of XC5357 from Xanthomonas campestris: A putative tetracenomycin polyketide synthesis protein adopting a novel cupin subfamily structure	2006-04-28	2006-11-07	Chin, K.-H.,Chou, C.C.,Wang, A.H.-J.,Chou, S.-H.	Crystal structure of XC5357 from Xanthomonas campestris: A putative tetracenomycin polyketide synthesis protein adopting a novel cupin subfamily structure	Proteins	2006	65	1046	1050	
2GU9	17029242	Crystal structure of XC5357 from Xanthomonas campestris: A putative tetracenomycin polyketide synthesis protein adopting a novel cupin subfamily structure	2006-04-28	2006-11-07	Chin, K.-H.,Chou, C.C.,Wang, A.H.-J.,Chou, S.-H.	Crystal structure of XC5357 from Xanthomonas campestris: A putative tetracenomycin polyketide synthesis protein adopting a novel cupin subfamily structure	Proteins	2006	65	1046	1050	
2FA5	16862595	The crystal structure of an unliganded multiple antibiotic-resistance repressor (MarR) from Xanthomonas campestris	2005-12-06	2006-11-14	Chin, K.H.,Tu, Z.L.,Li, J.N.,Chou, C.C.,Wang, A.H.J.,Chou, S.H.	The crystal structure of XC1739: a putative multiple antibiotic-resistance repressor (MarR) from Xanthomonas campestris at 1.8 A resolution	Proteins	2006	65	239	242	
2IOB	17124497	E. coli Bifunctional glutathionylspermidine synthetase/amidase Apo protein	2006-10-10	2006-12-12	Pai, C.H.,Chiang, B.Y.,Ko, T.P.,Chou, C.C.,Chong, C.M.,Yen, F.J.,Chen, S.,Coward, J.K.,Wang, A.H.-J.,Lin, C.H.	Dual binding sites for translocation catalysis by Escherichia coli glutathionylspermidine synthetase	Embo J.	2006	25	5970	5982	
2IOB	17124497	E. coli Bifunctional glutathionylspermidine synthetase/amidase Apo protein	2006-10-10	2006-12-12	Pai, C.H.,Chiang, B.Y.,Ko, T.P.,Chou, C.C.,Chong, C.M.,Yen, F.J.,Chen, S.,Coward, J.K.,Wang, A.H.-J.,Lin, C.H.	Dual binding sites for translocation catalysis by Escherichia coli glutathionylspermidine synthetase	Embo J.	2006	25	5970	5982	
2NZW	17251184	Crystal Structure of alpha1,3-Fucosyltransferase	2006-11-27	2007-01-23	Sun, H.Y.,Lin, S.W.,Ko, T.P.,Pan, J.F.,Liu, C.L.,Lin, C.N.,Wang, A.H.,Lin, C.H.	Structure and mechanism of Helicobacter pylori fucosyltransferase. A basis for lipopolysaccharide variation and inhibitor design.	J. Biol. Chem.	2007	282	9973	9982	
2NZX	17251184	Crystal Structure of alpha1,3-Fucosyltransferase with GDP	2006-11-27	2007-01-23	Sun, H.Y.,Lin, S.W.,Ko, T.P.,Pan, J.F.,Liu, C.L.,Lin, C.N.,Wang, A.H.,Lin, C.H.	Structure and mechanism of Helicobacter pylori fucosyltransferase. A basis for lipopolysaccharide variation and inhibitor design.	J. Biol. Chem.	2007	282	9973	9982	
2DYU	17307742	Helicobacter pylori formamidase AmiF contains a fine-tuned cysteine-glutamate-lysine catalytic triad	2006-09-18	2007-02-13	Hung, C.-L.,Liu, J.-H.,Chiu, W.-C.,Huang, S.-W.,Hwang, J.-K.,Wang, W.-C.	Crystal structure of Helicobacter pylori formamidase AmiF reveals a cysteine-glutamate-lysine catalytic triad	J.Biol.Chem.	2007	282	12220	12229	
2DYU	17307742	Helicobacter pylori formamidase AmiF contains a fine-tuned cysteine-glutamate-lysine catalytic triad	2006-09-18	2007-02-13	Hung, C.-L.,Liu, J.-H.,Chiu, W.-C.,Huang, S.-W.,Hwang, J.-K.,Wang, W.-C.	Crystal structure of Helicobacter pylori formamidase AmiF reveals a cysteine-glutamate-lysine catalytic triad	J.Biol.Chem.	2007	282	12220	12229	
2E2K	17307742	Helicobacter pylori formamidase AmiF contains a fine-tuned cysteine-glutamate-lysine catalytic triad	2006-11-14	2007-02-13	Hung, C.-L.,Liu, J.-H.,Chiu, W.-C.,Huang, S.-W.,Hwang, J.-K.,Wang, W.-C.	Crystal structure of Helicobacter pylori formamidase AmiF reveals a cysteine-glutamate-lysine catalytic triad	J.Biol.Chem.	2007	282	12220	12229	
2E2L	17307742	Helicobacter pylori formamidase AmiF contains a fine-tuned cysteine-glutamate-lysine catalytic triad	2006-11-14	2007-02-13	Hung, C.-L.,Liu, J.-H.,Chiu, W.-C.,Huang, S.-W.,Hwang, J.-K.,Wang, W.-C.	Crystal structure of Helicobacter pylori formamidase AmiF reveals a cysteine-glutamate-lysine catalytic triad	J.Biol.Chem.	2007	282	12220	12229	
2I6J	17173287	Crystal structure of the complex of the archaeal sulfolobus PTP-fold phosphatase with phosphate ion	2006-08-29	2007-03-13	Chu, H.M.,Wang, A.H.J.	Enzyme-substrate interactions revealed by the crystal structures of the archaeal Sulfolobus PTP-fold phosphatase and its phosphopeptide complexes	Proteins	2006	66	996	1003	
2JB0	17368670	CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE MUTANT H573A OF THE NUCLEASE DOMAIN OF COLE7 IN COMPLEX WITH IM7	2006-12-01	2007-04-03	Huang, H.,Yuan, H.S.	The Conserved Asparagine in the Hnh Motif Serves an Important Structural Role in Metal Finger Endonucleases.	J.Mol.Biol.	2007	368	812	0	
2CJR	17379242	Crystal structure of oligomerization domain of SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid protein.	2006-04-06	2007-04-10	Chen, C.-Y.,Chang, C.K.,Chang, Y.W.,Sue, S.C.,Bai, H.I.,Riang, L.,Hsiao, C.-D.,Huang, T.H.	Structure of the Sars Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein RNA-Binding Dimerization Domain Suggests a Mechanism for Helical Packaging of Viral RNA.	J.Mol.Biol.	2007	368	1075	0	
2CMH	17357156	Crystal Structure of Spermidine Synthase from Helicobacter Pylori	2006-05-08	2007-05-08	Lu, P.-K.,Tsai, J.-Y.,Chien, H.Y.,Huang, H.,Chu, C.-H.,Sun, Y.-J.	Crystal Structure of Helicobacter Pylori Spermidine Synthase: A Rossmann-Like Fold with a Distinct Active Site	Proteins: Struct., Funct., Bio	2007	67	743	0	
2E91	17535895	S. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium and BPH-91	2007-01-24	2007-06-12	Guo, R.T.,Cao, R.,Liang, P.H.,Ko, T.P.,Chang, T.H.,Hudock, M.P.,Jeng, W.Y.,Chen, C.K.-M.,Zhang, Y.,Song, Y.,Kuo, C.J.,Yin, F.,Oldfield, E.,Wang, A.H.-J.	Bisphosphonates target multiple sites in both cis- and trans-prenyltransferases	Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.Usa	2007	104	10022	10027	
2E92	17535895	S. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium and BPH-261	2007-01-24	2007-06-12	Guo, R.T.,Cao, R.,Liang, P.H.,Ko, T.P.,Chang, T.H.,Hudock, M.P.,Jeng, W.Y.,Chen, C.K.-M.,Zhang, Y.,Song, Y.,Kuo, C.J.,Yin, F.,Oldfield, E.,Wang, A.H.-J.	Bisphosphonates target multiple sites in both cis- and trans-prenyltransferases	Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.Usa	2007	104	10022	10027	
2GJ5	18004750	Crystal structure of a secondary vitamin D3 binding site of milk beta-lactoglobulin	2006-03-30	2007-10-02	Yang, M.C.,Guan, H.H.,Liu, M.Y.,Lin, Y.H.,Yang, J.M.,Chen, W.L.,Chen, C.J.,Mao, S.J.	Crystal structure of a secondary vitamin D3 binding site of milk beta-lactoglobulin.	Proteins	2008	71	1197	1210	
2E0T	23695260	Crystal structure of catalytic domain of dual specificity phosphatase 26, MS0830 from Homo sapiens	2006-10-13	2007-10-16	Won, E.Y.,Xie, Y.,Takemoto, C.,Chen, L.,Liu, Z.J.,Wang, B.C.,Lee, D.,Woo, E.J.,Park, S.G.,Shirouzu, M.,Yokoyama, S.,Kim, S.J.,Chi, S.W.	High-resolution crystal structure of the catalytic domain of human dual-specificity phosphatase 26.	Acta Crystallogr.,Sect.D	2013	69	1160	1170	
2Z9L	17981158	complex structure of SARS-CoV 3C-like protease with JMF1586	2007-09-20	2007-12-25	Lee, C.C.,Kuo, C.J.,Hsu, M.F.,Liang, P.H.,Fang, J.M.,Shie, J.J.,Wang, A.H.	Structural basis of mercury- and zinc-conjugated complexes as SARS-CoV 3C-like protease inhibitors.	Febs Lett.	2007	581	5454	5458	
2ZCO	18276850	Crystal structure of the C(30) carotenoid dehydrosqualene synthase from Staphylococcus aureus	2007-11-11	2008-03-11	Liu, C.I.,Liu, G.Y.,Song, Y.,Yin, F.,Hensler, M.E.,Jeng, W.Y.,Nizet, V.,Wang, A.H.,Oldfield, E.	A cholesterol biosynthesis inhibitor blocks Staphylococcus aureus virulence.	Science	2008	319	1391	1394	
2ZEF	18072935	Crystal structure of the human glutaminyl cyclase mutant E201D at 1.67 angstrom resolution	2007-12-12	2008-04-22	Huang, K.F.,Wang, Y.R.,Chang, E.C.,Chou, T.L.,Wang, A.H.	A conserved hydrogen-bond network in the catalytic centre of animal glutaminyl cyclases is critical for catalysis.	Biochem.J.	2008	411	181	190	
2ZEH	18072935	Crystal structure of the human glutaminyl cyclase mutant E201Q at 1.8 angstrom resolution	2007-12-12	2008-04-22	Huang, K.F.,Wang, Y.R.,Chang, E.C.,Chou, T.L.,Wang, A.H.	A conserved hydrogen-bond network in the catalytic centre of animal glutaminyl cyclases is critical for catalysis.	Biochem.J.	2008	411	181	190	
2ZEP	18072935	Crystal structure of the human glutaminyl cyclase mutant H319L at 2.1 angstrom resolution	2007-12-13	2008-04-22	Huang, K.F.,Wang, Y.R.,Chang, E.C.,Chou, T.L.,Wang, A.H.	A conserved hydrogen-bond network in the catalytic centre of animal glutaminyl cyclases is critical for catalysis.	Biochem.J.	2008	411	181	190	
2Z4V	18800762	S. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium and GGPP (inhibitory site)	2007-06-26	2008-07-01	Chen, C.K.-M.,Hudock, M.P.,Zhang, Y.,Guo, R.-T.,Cao, R.,No, J.H.,Liang, P.-H.,Ko, T.-P.,Chang, T.-H.,Chang, S.-C.,Song, Y.,Axelson, J.,Kumar, A.,Wang, A.H.-J.,Oldfield, E.	Inhibition of geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase by bisphosphonates: a crystallographic and computational investigation	J.Med.Chem.	2008	51	5594	5607	
2Z4W	18800762	S. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium and BPH-749	2007-06-26	2008-07-01	Chen, C.K.-M.,Hudock, M.P.,Zhang, Y.,Guo, R.-T.,Cao, R.,No, J.H.,Liang, P.-H.,Ko, T.-P.,Chang, T.-H.,Chang, S.-C.,Song, Y.,Axelson, J.,Kumar, A.,Wang, A.H.-J.,Oldfield, E.	Inhibition of geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase by bisphosphonates: a crystallographic and computational investigation	J.Med.Chem.	2008	51	5594	5607	
2Z4X	18800762	S. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium and BPH-252 (P21)	2007-06-26	2008-07-01	Chen, C.K.-M.,Hudock, M.P.,Zhang, Y.,Guo, R.-T.,Cao, R.,No, J.H.,Liang, P.-H.,Ko, T.-P.,Chang, T.-H.,Chang, S.-C.,Song, Y.,Axelson, J.,Kumar, A.,Wang, A.H.-J.,Oldfield, E.	Inhibition of geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase by bisphosphonates: a crystallographic and computational investigation	J.Med.Chem.	2008	51	5594	5607	
2Z4Y	18800762	S. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium and BPH-252	2007-06-26	2008-07-01	Chen, C.K.-M.,Hudock, M.P.,Zhang, Y.,Guo, R.-T.,Cao, R.,No, J.H.,Liang, P.-H.,Ko, T.-P.,Chang, T.-H.,Chang, S.-C.,Song, Y.,Axelson, J.,Kumar, A.,Wang, A.H.-J.,Oldfield, E.	Inhibition of geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase by bisphosphonates: a crystallographic and computational investigation	J.Med.Chem.	2008	51	5594	5607	
2Z4Z	18800762	S. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium and BPH-sc01	2007-06-26	2008-07-01	Chen, C.K.-M.,Hudock, M.P.,Zhang, Y.,Guo, R.-T.,Cao, R.,No, J.H.,Liang, P.-H.,Ko, T.-P.,Chang, T.-H.,Chang, S.-C.,Song, Y.,Axelson, J.,Kumar, A.,Wang, A.H.-J.,Oldfield, E.	Inhibition of geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase by bisphosphonates: a crystallographic and computational investigation	J.Med.Chem.	2008	51	5594	5607	
2Z50	18800762	S. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with BPH-28	2007-06-26	2008-07-01	Chen, C.K.-M.,Hudock, M.P.,Zhang, Y.,Guo, R.-T.,Cao, R.,No, J.H.,Liang, P.-H.,Ko, T.-P.,Chang, T.-H.,Chang, S.-C.,Song, Y.,Axelson, J.,Kumar, A.,Wang, A.H.-J.,Oldfield, E.	Inhibition of geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase by bisphosphonates: a crystallographic and computational investigation	J.Med.Chem.	2008	51	5594	5607	
2Z52	18800762	S. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium and BPH-23	2007-06-26	2008-07-01	Chen, C.K.-M.,Hudock, M.P.,Zhang, Y.,Guo, R.-T.,Cao, R.,No, J.H.,Liang, P.-H.,Ko, T.-P.,Chang, T.-H.,Chang, S.-C.,Song, Y.,Axelson, J.,Kumar, A.,Wang, A.H.-J.,Oldfield, E.	Inhibition of geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase by bisphosphonates: a crystallographic and computational investigation	J.Med.Chem.	2008	51	5594	5607	
2QN5		Crystal Structure and Functional Study of the Bowman-Birk Inhibitor from Rice Bran in Complex with Bovine Trypsin	2007-07-18	2008-07-22	Li, H.T.,Lin, Y.H.,Huang, Y.C.,Guan, H.H.,Hsieh, Y.C.,Chang, T.,Wang, A.H.J.,Chen, C.J.	Crystal Structure and Functional Study of the Bowman-Birk Inhibitor from Rice Bran in Complex with Bovine Trypsin	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
2ZE3	18433062	Crystal Structure of DFA0005 Complexed with alpha-Ketoglutarate: A Novel Member of the ICL/PEPM Superfamily from Alkali-tolerant Deinococcus ficus	2007-12-05	2008-08-12	Liao, C.J.,Chin, K.H.,Lin, C.H.,Tsai, P.S.,Lyu, P.C.,Young, C.C.,Wang, A.H.,Chou, S.H.	Crystal structure of DFA0005 complexed with alpha-ketoglutarate: a novel member of the ICL/PEPM superfamily from alkali-tolerant Deinococcus ficus	Proteins	2008	73	362	371	
3BDL	18453631	Crystal structure of a truncated human Tudor-SN	2007-11-15	2008-08-26	Li, C.L.,Yang, W.Z.,Chen, Y.P.,Yuan, H.S.	Structural and functional insights into human Tudor-SN, a key component linking RNA interference and editing.	Nucleic Acids Res.	2008	36	3579	3589	
2ZB3	19000823	Crystal structure of mouse 15-ketoprostaglandin delta-13-reductase in complex with NADPH	2007-10-16	2008-09-30	Wu, Y.H.,Ko, T.P.,Guo, R.T.,Hu, S.M.,Chuang, L.M.,Wang, A.H.J.	Structural basis for catalytic and inhibitory mechanisms of human prostaglandin reductase PTGR2.	Structure	2008	16	1714	1723	
3C12	18599076	Crystal Structure of FlgD from Xanthomonas campestris: Insights into the Hook Capping Essential for Flagellar Assembly	2008-01-22	2008-12-09	Kuo, W.-T.,Chin, K.-H.,Lo, W.-T.,Wang, A.H.-J.,Chou, S.-H.	Crystal structure of the C-terminal domain of a flagellar hook-capping protein from Xanthomonas campestris	J.Mol.Biol.	2008	381	189	199	
2ZU3	19144641	Complex structure of CVB3 3C protease with TG-0204998	2008-10-12	2009-01-13	Lee, C.C.,Kuo, C.J.,Ko, T.P.,Hsu, M.F.,Tsui, Y.C.,Chang, S.C.,Yang, S.,Chen, S.J.,Chen, H.C.,Hsu, M.C.,Shih, S.R.,Liang, P.H.,Wang, A.H.-J.	Structural Basis of Inhibition Specificities of 3C and 3C-like Proteases by Zinc-coordinating and Peptidomimetic Compounds	J.Biol.Chem.	2009	284	7646	7655	
2ZUD	19295907	Crystal Structure of Left-handed RadA Filament	2008-10-16	2009-04-07	Chang, Y.W.,Ko, T.P.,Lee, C.D.,Chang, Y.C.,Lin, K.A.,Chang, C.S.,Wang, A.H.J.,Wang, T.F.	Three new structures of left-handed RADA helical filaments: structural flexibility of N-terminal domain is critical for recombinase activity	Plos One	2009	4	0	0	
3GWJ	19358695	Crystal structure of Antheraea pernyi arylphorin	2009-04-01	2009-05-05	Ryu, K.S.,Lee, J.O.,Kwon, T.H.,Choi, H.H.,Park, H.S.,Hwang, S.K.,Lee, Z.W.,Lee, K.B.,Han, Y.H.,Choi, Y.S.,Jeon, Y.H.,Cheong, C.,Kim, S.	The presence of monoglucosylated N196-glycan is important for the structural stability of storage protein, arylphorin	Biochem.J.	2009	421	87	96	
2VW9	19285993	Single stranded DNA binding protein complex from Helicobacter pylori	2008-06-18	2009-06-02	Chan, K.-W.,Lee, Y.-J.,Wang, C.-H.,Huang, H.,Sun, Y.-J.	Single-Stranded DNA-Binding Protein Complex from Helicobacter Pylori Suggests an Ssdna-Binding Surface.	J.Mol.Biol.	2009	388	508	0	
2ZYH	19447113	mutant A. Fulgidus lipase S136A complexed with fatty acid fragment	2009-01-22	2009-06-16	Chen, C.K.,Lee, G.C.,Ko, T.P.,Guo, R.T.,Huang, L.M.,Liu, H.J.,Ho, Y.F.,Shaw, J.F.,Wang, A.H.	Structure of the alkalohyperthermophilic Archaeoglobus fulgidus lipase contains a unique C-terminal domain essential for long-chain substrate binding.	J.Mol.Biol.	2009	390	672	685	
2ZYI	19447113	A. Fulgidus lipase with fatty acid fragment and calcium	2009-01-22	2009-06-16	Chen, C.K.,Lee, G.C.,Ko, T.P.,Guo, R.T.,Huang, L.M.,Liu, H.J.,Ho, Y.F.,Shaw, J.F.,Wang, A.H.	Structure of the alkalohyperthermophilic Archaeoglobus fulgidus lipase contains a unique C-terminal domain essential for long-chain substrate binding.	J.Mol.Biol.	2009	390	672	685	
3GKK	19477183	Insights into the Alkyl Peroxide Reduction Activity of Xanthomonas campestris Bacterioferritin Comigratory Protein from the Trapped Intermediate/Ligand Complex Structures	2009-03-11	2009-06-16	Liao, S.-J.,Yang, C.-Y.,Chin, K.-H.,Wang, A.H.-J.,Chou, S.-H.	Insights into the alkyl peroxide reduction pathway of Xanthomonas campestris bacterioferritin comigratory protein from the trapped intermediate-ligand complex structures	J.Mol.Biol.	2009	390	951	966	
3GD0	19640850	Crystal structure of laminaripentaose-producing beta-1,3-glucanase	2009-02-23	2009-07-28	Wu, H.M.,Liu, S.W.,Hsu, M.T.,Hung, C.L.,Lai, C.C.,Cheng, W.C.,Wang, H.J.,Li, Y.K.,Wang, W.C.	Structure, mechanistic action, and essential residues of a GH-64 enzyme, laminaripentaose-producing beta-1,3-glucanase.	J.Biol.Chem.	2009	284	26708	26715	
3E5R		Crystal structure and Functional Analysis of Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase from Oryza Sativa	2008-08-14	2009-08-18	Tien, Y.C.,Lin, Y.H.,Chang, S.L.,Chen, C.J.	Crystal structure and Functional Analysis of Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase from Oryza Sativa	To be published	0	0	0	0	
3E6A		Crystal structure and Functional Analysis of Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase from Oryza Sativa	2008-08-15	2009-08-18	Tien, Y.C.,Lin, Y.H.,Chang, S.L.,Chen, C.J.	Crystal structure and Functional Analysis of Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase from Oryza Sativa	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
2ZR1	20433687	Agglutinin from Abrus Precatorius	2008-08-22	2009-08-25	Cheng, J.,Lu, T.H.,Liu, C.L.,Lin, J.Y.	A biophysical elucidation for less toxicity of Agglutinin than Abrin-a from the Seeds of Abrus Precatorius in consequence of crystal structure	J.Biomed.Sci.	2010	17	34	34	
2WFK	19948735	Calcium bound LipL32	2009-04-07	2009-11-24	Tung, J.-Y.,Yang, C.-W.,Chou, S.,Lin, C.,Sun, Y.-J.	Calcium Binds to Lipl32, a Lipoprotein from Pathogenic Leptospira, and Modulates Fibronectin Binding.	J.Biol.Chem.	2010	285	3245	0	
3K7D	20026075	C-terminal (adenylylation) domain of E.coli Glutamine Synthetase Adenylyltransferase	2009-10-12	2009-12-15	Xu, Y.,Carr, P.D.,Vasudevan, S.G.,Ollis, D.L.	Structure of the Adenylylation Domain of E. coli Glutamine Synthetase Adenylyl Transferase: Evidence for Gene Duplication and Evolution of a New Active Site.	J.Mol.Biol.	2010	396	773	784	
3I4L	19944110	Structural characterization for the nucleotide binding ability of subunit A with AMP-PNP of the A1AO ATP synthase	2009-07-01	2010-01-12	Kumar, A.,Manimekalai, M.S.,Balakrishna, A.M.,Jeyakanthan, J.,Gruber, G.	Nucleotide binding states of subunit A of the A-ATP synthase and the implication of P-loop switch in evolution.	J.Mol.Biol.	2010	396	301	320	
3A7G	20124694	Human MST3 kinase	2009-09-26	2010-02-02	Ko, T.P.,Jeng, W.Y.,Liu, C.I.,Lai, M.D.,Wu, C.L.,Chang, W.J.,Shr, H.L.,Lu, T.J.,Wang, A.H.J.	Structures of human MST3 kinase in complex with adenine, ADP and Mn2+.	Acta Crystallogr.,Sect.D	2010	66	145	154	
3A7H	20124694	Human MST3 kinase in complex with ATP	2009-09-26	2010-02-02	Ko, T.P.,Jeng, W.Y.,Liu, C.I.,Lai, M.D.,Wu, C.L.,Chang, W.J.,Shr, H.L.,Lu, T.J.,Wang, A.H.J.	Structures of human MST3 kinase in complex with adenine, ADP and Mn2+.	Acta Crystallogr.,Sect.D	2010	66	145	154	
3HGF	20161776	Expression, purification, spectroscopical and crystallographical studies of segments of the nucleotide binding domain of the reticulocyte binding protein Py235 of Plasmodium yoelii	2009-05-13	2010-02-23	Gruber, A.,Manimekalai, M.S.S.,Balakrishna, A.M.,Hunke, C.,Jeyakanthan, J.,Preiser, P.R.,Gruber, G.	Structural determination of functional units of the nucleotide binding domain (NBD94) of the reticulocyte binding protein Py235 of Plasmodium yoelii	Plos One	2010	5	0	0	
3KRC	20139160	Mint heterotetrameric geranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with IPP	2009-11-18	2010-02-23	Chang, T.-H.,Hsieh, F.-L.,Ko, T.-P.,Teng, K.-H.,Liang, P.-H.,Wang, A.H.-J.	Structure of a heterotetrameric geranyl pyrophosphate synthase from mint (Mentha piperita) reveals intersubunit regulation	Plant Cell	2010	22	454	467	
3K7L	19932752	Structures of two elapid snake venom metalloproteases with distinct activities highlight the disulfide patterns in the D domain of ADAMalysin family proteins	2009-10-13	2010-03-02	Guan, H.H.,Goh, K.S.,Davamani, F.,Wu, P.L.,Huang, Y.W.,Jeyakanthan, J.,Wu, W.G.,Chen, C.J.	Structures of two elapid snake venom metalloproteases with distinct activities highlight the disulfide patterns in the D domain of ADAMalysin family proteins	J.Struct.Biol.	2010	169	294	303	
3K7N	19932752	Structures of two elapid snake venom metalloproteases with distinct activities highlight the disulfide patterns in the D domain of ADAMalysin family proteins	2009-10-13	2010-03-02	Guan, H.H.,Goh, K.S.,Davamani, F.,Wu, P.L.,Huang, Y.W.,Jeyakanthan, J.,Wu, W.G.,Chen, C.J.	Structures of two elapid snake venom metalloproteases with distinct activities highlight the disulfide patterns in the D domain of ADAMalysin family proteins	J.Struct.Biol.	2010	169	294	303	
3L6V		Crystal Structure of the Xanthomonas campestris Gyrase A C-terminal Domain	2009-12-26	2010-03-09	Hsieh, T.J.,Yen, T.J.,Lin, T.S.,Chang, H.T.,Huang, S.Y.,Farh, L.,Chan, N.L.	Twisting of the DNA binding surface by a beta-strand-bearing proline modulates DNA gyrase activity	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
3LDK		Crystal Structure of A. japonicus CB05	2010-01-13	2010-05-12	Chuankhayan, P.,Hsieh, C.Y.,Huang, Y.C.,Hsieh, Y.Y.,Guan, H.H.,Hsieh, Y.C.,Tien, Y.C.,Chen, C.D.,Chaing, C.M.,Chen, C.J.	Crystal structure of Aspergillus japonicus fructosyltransferase complex with donor/acceptor substrates reveal complete sbusites in the active site for catalysis	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
3LDR		Crystal structure of fructosyltransferase (D191A) from A. japonicus in complex with 1-Kestose	2010-01-13	2010-05-12	Chuankhayan, P.,Hsieh, C.Y.,Huang, Y.C.,Hsieh, Y.Y.,Guan, H.H.,Hsieh, Y.C.,Tien, Y.C.,Chen, C.D.,Chaing, C.M.,Chen, C.J.	Crystal structure of Aspergillus japonicus fructosyltransferase complex with donor/acceptor substrates reveal complete sbusites in the active site for catalysis	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
3LEM		Crystal structure of fructosyltransferase (D191A) from A. japonicus in complex with Nystose	2010-01-15	2010-05-12	Chuankhayan, P.,Hsieh, C.Y.,Huang, Y.C.,Hsieh, Y.Y.,Guan, H.H.,Hsieh, Y.C.,Tien, Y.C.,Chen, C.D.,Chaing, C.M.,Chen, C.J.	Crystal structure of Aspergillus japonicus fructosyltransferase complex with donor/acceptor substrates reveal complete sbusites in the active site for catalysis	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
3LFI		Crystal structure of fructosyltransferase (wild-type) from A. japonicus in complex with glucose	2010-01-17	2010-05-12	Chuankhayan, P.,Hsieh, C.Y.,Huang, Y.C.,Hsieh, Y.Y.,Guan, H.H.,Hsieh, Y.C.,Tien, Y.C.,Chen, C.D.,Chaing, C.M.,Chen, C.J.	Crystal structure of Aspergillus japonicus fructosyltransferase complex with donor/acceptor substrates reveal complete sbusites in the active site for catalysis	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
3LIH	20466731	Crystal structure of fructosyltransferase (D191A) from A. japonicus in complex with raffinose	2010-01-24	2010-05-12	Chuankhayan, P.,Hsieh, C.Y.,Huang, Y.C.,Hsieh, Y.Y.,Guan, H.H.,Hsieh, Y.C.,Tien, Y.C.,Chen, C.D.,Chiang, C.M.,Chen, C.J.	Crystal structures of Aspergillus japonicus fructosyltransferase complex with donor/acceptor substrates reveal complete subsites in the active site for catalysis	J.Biol.Chem.	2010	285	23251	23264	
3LG8	20571891	Crystal structure of the C-terminal part of subunit E (E101-206) from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii of A1AO ATP synthase	2010-01-19	2010-07-07	Balakrishna, A.M.,Manimekalai, M.S.S.,Hunke, C.,Gayen, S.,Rossle, M.,Jeyakanthan, J.,Gruber, G.	Crystal and solution structure of the C-terminal part of the Methanocaldococcus jannaschii A1AO ATP synthase subunit E revealed by X-ray diffraction and small-angle X-ray scattering	J.Bioenerg.Biomembr.	2010	42	311	320	
3N12	20685646	Crystal stricture of chitinase in complex with zinc atoms from Bacillus cereus NCTU2	2010-05-15	2010-08-04	Hsieh, Y.-C.,Wu, Y.-J.,Chiang, T.-Y.,Kuo, C.-Y.,Shrestha, K.L.,Chao, C.-F.,Huang, Y.-C.,Chuankhayan, P.,Wu, W.-G.,Li, Y.-K.,Chen, C.-J.	Crystal structures of bacillus cereus NCTU2 chitinase complexes with chitooligomers reveal novel substrate binding for catalysis: a chitinase without chitin-binding and insertion domains	J.Biol.Chem.	2010	285	31603	31615	
3N12	20685646	Crystal stricture of chitinase in complex with zinc atoms from Bacillus cereus NCTU2	2010-05-15	2010-08-04	Hsieh, Y.-C.,Wu, Y.-J.,Chiang, T.-Y.,Kuo, C.-Y.,Shrestha, K.L.,Chao, C.-F.,Huang, Y.-C.,Chuankhayan, P.,Wu, W.-G.,Li, Y.-K.,Chen, C.-J.	Crystal structures of bacillus cereus NCTU2 chitinase complexes with chitooligomers reveal novel substrate binding for catalysis: a chitinase without chitin-binding and insertion domains	J.Biol.Chem.	2010	285	31603	31615	
3MRU	20819954	Crystal Structure of Aminoacylhistidine Dipeptidase from Vibrio alginolyticus	2010-04-29	2010-09-01	Chang, C.-Y.,Hsieh, Y.-C.,Wang, T.-Y.,Chen, Y.-C.,Wang, Y.-K.,Chiang, T.-W.,Chen, Y.-J.,Chang, C.-H.,Chen, C.-J.,Wu, T.-K.	Crystal structure and mutational analysis of aminoacylhistidine dipeptidase from vibrio alginolyticus reveal a new architecture of M20 metallopeptidases	J.Biol.Chem.	2010	285	39500	39510	
3APZ	21220764	Apo form of Arabidopsis medium/long-chain length prenyl pyrophosphate synthase	2010-10-24	2011-01-19	Hsieh, F.-L.,Chang, T.-H.,Ko, T.-P.,Wang, A.H.-J.	Structure and mechanism of an Arabidopsis medium/long-chain-length prenyl pyrophosphate synthase	Plant Physiol.	2011	155	1079	1090	
3LBC		D-sialic acid aldolase complexed with L-arabinose	2010-01-08	2011-01-19	Chou, C.-Y.,Ko, T.-P.,Wu, K.-J.,Huang, K.-F.,Lin, C.-H.,Wong, C.-H.,Wang, A.H.-J.	Modulation of substrate specificities of D-sialic acid aldolase through single mutations of Val251	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
3LCW		L-KDO aldolase complexed with hydroxypyruvate	2010-01-12	2011-01-19	Chou, C.-Y.,Ko, T.-P.,Wu, K.-J.,Huang, K.-F.,Lin, C.-H.,Wong, C.-H.,Wang, A.H.-J.	Modulation of substrate specificities of D-sialic acid aldolase through single mutations of Val251	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
3P20	21396943	Crystal structure of vanadate bound subunit A of the A1AO ATP synthase	2010-10-01	2011-03-30	Manimekalai, M.S.,Kumar, A.,Jeyakanthan, J.,Gruber, G.	The transition-like state and Pi entrance into the catalytic a subunit of the biological engine A-ATP synthase.	J.Mol.Biol.	2011	408	736	754	
3MRS	22438938	Crystal structure of shikimate kinase mutant (R57A) from Helicobacter pylori	2010-04-29	2011-05-04	Cheng, W.C.,Chen, Y.F.,Wang, H.J.,Hsu, K.C.,Lin, S.C.,Chen, T.J.,Yang, J.M.,Wang, W.C.	Structures of Helicobacter pylori shikimate kinase reveal a selective inhibitor-induced-fit mechanism	Plos One	2012	7	0	0	
3N2E	22438938	Crystal structure of Helicobactor pylori shikimate kinase in complex with NSC162535	2010-05-18	2011-05-18	Cheng, W.C.,Chen, Y.F.,Wang, H.J.,Hsu, K.C.,Lin, S.C.,Chen, T.J.,Yang, J.M.,Wang, W.C.	Structures of Helicobacter pylori shikimate kinase reveal a selective inhibitor-induced-fit mechanism	Plos One	2012	7	0	0	
3QX3	21778401	Human topoisomerase IIbeta in complex with DNA and etoposide	2011-03-01	2011-07-06	Wu, C.C.,Li, T.K.,Farh, L.,Lin, L.Y.,Lin, T.S.,Yu, Y.J.,Yen, T.J.,Chiang, C.W.,Chan, N.L.	Structural basis of type II topoisomerase inhibition by the anticancer drug etoposide	Science	2011	333	459	462	
3RO0	21875148	Crystal structure of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens pyroglutamyl peptidase I and terpyridine platinum(II)	2011-04-25	2011-10-05	Lo, Y.-C.,Su, W.-C.,Ko, T.-P.,Wang, N.-C.,Wang, A.H.-J.	Terpyridine platinum(II) complexes inhibit cysteine proteases by binding to active-site cysteine.	J.Biomol.Struct.Dyn.	2011	29	267	282	
3PHG		Crystal structure of the Shikimate 5-Dehydrogenase (aroE) from Helicobacter pylori	2010-11-04	2011-11-09	Cheng, W.C.,Lin, S.C.,Wang, W.C.	Crystal structure of the Shikimate 5-Dehydrogenase (aroE) from Helicobacter pylori	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
3VA1	22211259	Crystal structure of the mammalian MDC1 FHA domain	2011-12-28	2012-02-01	Wu, H.H.,Wu, P.Y.,Huang, K.F.,Kao, Y.Y.,Tsai, M.D.	Structural Delineation of MDC1-FHA Domain Binding with CHK2-pThr68.	Biochemistry	2012	0	0	0	
3VIK	22751668	Crystal structure of beta-glucosidase from termite Neotermes koshunensis in complex with cellobiose	2011-10-03	2012-07-04	Jeng, W.Y.,Wang, N.C.,Lin, C.T.,Chang, W.J.,Liu, C.I.,Wang, A.H.J.	High-resolution structures of Neotermes koshunensis beta-glucosidase mutants provide insights into the catalytic mechanism and the synthesis of glucoconjugates	Acta Crystallogr.,Sect.D	2012	68	829	838	
3VIN	22751668	Crystal structure of beta-glucosidase from termite Neotermes koshunensis in complex with a new glucopyranosidic product	2011-10-03	2012-07-04	Jeng, W.Y.,Wang, N.C.,Lin, C.T.,Chang, W.J.,Liu, C.I.,Wang, A.H.J.	High-resolution structures of Neotermes koshunensis beta-glucosidase mutants provide insights into the catalytic mechanism and the synthesis of glucoconjugates	Acta Crystallogr.,Sect.D	2012	68	829	838	
3SSA		Crystal structure of subunit B mutant N157T of the A1AO ATP synthase	2011-07-08	2012-09-05	Sundararaman, L.,Manimekalai, M.S.S.,Gruber, G.	Structure of subunit A mutants H156A, N157A and N157T of the A1AO ATP synthase	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
3TGW		Crystal structure of subunit B mutant H156A of the A1AO ATP synthase	2011-08-18	2012-09-05	Tadwal, V.S.,Manimekalai, M.S.S.,Gruber, G.	Structure of subunit A mutants H156A, N157A and N157T of the A1AO ATP synthase	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
3TIV		Crystal structure of subunit B mutant N157A of the A1AO ATP synthase	2011-08-22	2012-09-05	Tadwal, V.S.,Manimekalai, M.S.S.,Gruber, G.	Structure of subunit A mutants H156A, N157A and N157T of the A1AO ATP synthase	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
3VOP	23990784	Structure of Vaccinia virus A27	2012-01-31	2013-03-06	Chang, T.H.,Chang, S.J.,Hsieh, F.L.,Ko, T.P.,Lin, C.T.,Ho, M.R.,Wang, I.,Hsu, S.T.,Guo, R.T.,Chang, W.,Wang, A.H.	Crystal structure of vaccinia viral A27 protein reveals a novel structure critical for its function and complex formation with A26 protein.	Plos Pathog.	2013	9	0	0	
4FS9	23118975	Complex structure of a broad specificity amino acid racemase (Bar) within the reactive intermediate	2012-06-27	2013-03-06	Wu, H.M.,Kuan, Y.C.,Chu, C.H.,Hsu, W.H.,Wang, W.C.	Crystal structures of lysine-preferred racemases, the non-antibiotic selectable markers for transgenic plants	Plos One	2012	7	0	0	
4EM0		staphylococcus aureus MarR in complex with salicylate and kanamycin	2012-04-11	2013-04-17	Chang, Y.M.,Chen, C.K.-M.,Wang, A.H.-J.	Staphylococcus aureus MarR complexes	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
4EM2		seleno-methionine staphylococcus aureus MarR in complex with salicylate	2012-04-11	2013-04-17	Chang, Y.M.,Ko, T.-P.,Chen, C.K.-M.,Wang, A.H.-J.	Staphylococcus aureus MarR complexes	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
4JBP	23610398	Novel Aurora kinase inhibitors reveal mechanisms of HURP in nucleation of centrosomal and kinetochore microtubules	2013-02-20	2013-06-05	Wu, J.M.,Chen, C.T.,Coumar, M.S.,Lin, W.H.,Chen, Z.J.,Hsu, J.T.,Peng, Y.H.,Shiao, H.Y.,Lin, W.H.,Chu, C.Y.,Wu, J.S.,Lin, C.T.,Chen, C.P.,Hsueh, C.C.,Chang, K.Y.,Kao, L.P.,Huang, C.Y.,Chao, Y.S.,Wu, S.Y.,Hsieh, H.P.,Chi, Y.H.	Aurora kinase inhibitors reveal mechanisms of HURP in nucleation of centrosomal and kinetochore microtubules.	Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA	2013	110	0	0	
4JQ7	23611691	Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain in complex with compound 2a	2013-03-20	2013-06-19	Peng, Y.H.,Shiao, H.Y.,Tu, C.H.,Liu, P.M.,Hsu, J.T.,Amancha, P.K.,Wu, J.S.,Coumar, M.S.,Chen, C.H.,Wang, S.Y.,Lin, W.H.,Sun, H.Y.,Chao, Y.S.,Lyu, P.C.,Hsieh, H.P.,Wu, S.Y.	Protein Kinase Inhibitor Design by Targeting the Asp-Phe-Gly (DFG) Motif: The Role of the DFG Motif in the Design of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibitors	J.Med.Chem.	2013	56	3889	3903	
4JQ8	23611691	Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain in complex with compound 4b	2013-03-20	2013-06-19	Peng, Y.H.,Shiao, H.Y.,Tu, C.H.,Liu, P.M.,Hsu, J.T.,Amancha, P.K.,Wu, J.S.,Coumar, M.S.,Chen, C.H.,Wang, S.Y.,Lin, W.H.,Sun, H.Y.,Chao, Y.S.,Lyu, P.C.,Hsieh, H.P.,Wu, S.Y.	Protein Kinase Inhibitor Design by Targeting the Asp-Phe-Gly (DFG) Motif: The Role of the DFG Motif in the Design of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibitors	J.Med.Chem.	2013	56	3889	3903	
4JR3	23611691	Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain in complex with compound 3g	2013-03-21	2013-06-19	Peng, Y.H.,Shiao, H.Y.,Tu, C.H.,Liu, P.M.,Hsu, J.T.,Amancha, P.K.,Wu, J.S.,Coumar, M.S.,Chen, C.H.,Wang, S.Y.,Lin, W.H.,Sun, H.Y.,Chao, Y.S.,Lyu, P.C.,Hsieh, H.P.,Wu, S.Y.	Protein Kinase Inhibitor Design by Targeting the Asp-Phe-Gly (DFG) Motif: The Role of the DFG Motif in the Design of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibitors	J.Med.Chem.	2013	56	3889	3903	
4JRV	23611691	Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain in complex with compound 4c	2013-03-22	2013-06-19	Peng, Y.H.,Shiao, H.Y.,Tu, C.H.,Liu, P.M.,Hsu, J.T.,Amancha, P.K.,Wu, J.S.,Coumar, M.S.,Chen, C.H.,Wang, S.Y.,Lin, W.H.,Sun, H.Y.,Chao, Y.S.,Lyu, P.C.,Hsieh, H.P.,Wu, S.Y.	Protein Kinase Inhibitor Design by Targeting the Asp-Phe-Gly (DFG) Motif: The Role of the DFG Motif in the Design of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibitors	J.Med.Chem.	2013	56	3889	3903	
4GZ7		The crystal structure of Apo-dihydropyrimidinase from Tetraodon nigroviridis	2012-09-06	2013-09-11	Hsien, Y.C.,Chen, M.C.,Hsu, C.C.,Chan, S.I.,Yang, Y.S.,Chen, C.J.	Lysine Carboxylation: Metal and Structure Requirements for Post-translational Modification	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
4H00		The crystal structure of mon-Zn dihydropyrimidinase from Tetraodon nigroviridis	2012-09-06	2013-09-11	Hsieh, Y.C.,Chen, M.C.,Hsu, C.C.,Chan, S.I.,Yang, Y.S.,Chen, C.J.	Lysine Carboxylation: Metal and Structural Requirements for Post-translational Modification	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
4H01		The crystal structure of di-Zn dihydropyrimidinase from Tetraodon nigroviridis	2012-09-06	2013-09-11	Hsieh, Y.C.,Chen, M.C.,Hsu, C.C.,Chan, S.I.,Yang, Y.S.,Chen, C.J.	Lysine Carboxylation: Metal and Structural Requirements for Post-translational Modification	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
4LCQ	24005677	The crystal structure of di-Zn dihydropyrimidinase in complex with NCBI	2013-06-22	2013-09-18	Hsieh, Y.C.,Chen, M.C.,Hsu, C.C.,Chan, S.I.,Yang, Y.S.,Chen, C.J.	Crystal structures of vertebrate dihydropyrimidinase and complexes from Tetraodon nigroviridis with lysine carbamylation: metal and structural requirements for post-translational modification and function.	J.Biol.Chem.	2013	288	30645	30658	
4LCR	24005677	The crystal structure of di-Zn dihydropyrimidinase in complex with NCBA	2013-06-22	2013-09-18	Hsieh, Y.C.,Chen, M.C.,Hsu, C.C.,Chan, S.I.,Yang, Y.S.,Chen, C.J.	Crystal structures of vertebrate dihydropyrimidinase and complexes from Tetraodon nigroviridis with lysine carbamylation: metal and structural requirements for post-translational modification and function.	J.Biol.Chem.	2013	288	30645	30658	
4LCS	24005677	The crystal structure of di-Zn dihydropyrimidinase in complex with hydantoin	2013-06-23	2013-09-18	Hsieh, Y.C.,Chen, M.C.,Hsu, C.C.,Chan, S.I.,Yang, Y.S.,Chen, C.J.	Crystal structures of vertebrate dihydropyrimidinase and complexes from Tetraodon nigroviridis with lysine carbamylation: metal and structural requirements for post-translational modification and function.	J.Biol.Chem.	2013	288	30645	30658	
4HLL		Crystal structure of Artificial ankyrin repeat protein_Ank(GAG)1D4	2012-10-17	2013-10-23	Chuankhayan, P.,Nangola, S.,Minard, P.,Boulanger, P.,Hong, S.S.,Tayapiwatana, C.,Chen, C.-J.	Identification of Gag bioactive determinants specific to designed ankyrin and interfering in HIV-1 assembly	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
4HLL		Crystal structure of Artificial ankyrin repeat protein_Ank(GAG)1D4	2012-10-17	2013-10-23	Chuankhayan, P.,Nangola, S.,Minard, P.,Boulanger, P.,Hong, S.S.,Tayapiwatana, C.,Chen, C.-J.	Identification of Gag bioactive determinants specific to designed ankyrin and interfering in HIV-1 assembly	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
4BE6	24340031	V. cholera biofilm scaffolding protein RbmA	2013-03-06	2013-12-18	Maestre-Reyna, M.,Wu, W.-J.,Wang, A.H.-J.	Structural Insights Into Rbma, a Biofilm Scaffolding Protein of V. Cholerae.	Plos One	2013	8	82458	0	
4L7Q	24028568	Crystal structure of gamma glutamyl hydrolase (wild-type) from zebrafish	2013-06-14	2014-05-14	Chuankhayan, P.,Kao, T.-T.,Lin, C.-C.,Guan, H.-H.,Nakagawa, A.,Fu, T.-F.,Chen, C.-J.	Structural insights into the hydrolysis and polymorphism of methotrexate polyglutamate by zebrafish gamma-glutamyl hydrolase	J.Med.Chem.	2013	56	7625	7635	
4M2G	24505011	Crystal structure of non-heme iron oxygenase OrfP in complex with Fe, succinate, and (3R,4R)-dihydroxy-L-Arg	2013-08-05	2014-06-25	Chang, C.Y.,Lyu, S.Y.,Liu, Y.C.,Hsu, N.S.,Wu, C.C.,Tang, C.F.,Lin, K.H.,Ho, J.Y.,Wu, C.J.,Tsai, M.D.,Li, T.L.	Biosynthesis of streptolidine involved two unexpected intermediates produced by a dihydroxylase and a cyclase through unusual mechanisms.	Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.Engl.	2014	53	1943	1948	
4M2I	24505011	Crystal structure of non-heme iron oxygenase OrfP in complex with Fe	2013-08-05	2014-06-25	Chang, C.Y.,Lyu, S.Y.,Liu, Y.C.,Hsu, N.S.,Wu, C.C.,Tang, C.F.,Lin, K.H.,Ho, J.Y.,Wu, C.J.,Tsai, M.D.,Li, T.L.	Biosynthesis of streptolidine involved two unexpected intermediates produced by a dihydroxylase and a cyclase through unusual mechanisms.	Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.Engl.	2014	53	1943	1948	
4LXL		Crystal structure of JMJD2B complexed with pyridine-2,4-dicarboxylic acid and H3K9me3	2013-07-30	2014-07-30	Wang, W.-C.,Chu, C.-H.,Chen, C.-C.	Crystal structure of JMJD2B complexed with pyridine-2,4-dicarboxylic acid and H3K9me3	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
4QPD	25849409	Crystal structure of the hydrolase domain of 10-formyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (wild-type) complex with tetrahydrofolate	2014-06-23	2015-04-15	Lin, C.C.,Chuankhayan, P.,Chang, W.N.,Kao, T.T.,Guan, H.H.,Fun, H.K.,Nakagawa, A.,Fu, T.F.,Chen, C.J.	Structures of the hydrolase domain of zebrafish 10-formyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase and its complexes reveal a complete set of key residues for hydrolysis and product inhibition.	Acta Crystallogr.,Sect.D	2015	71	1006	1021	
4TS4	25849409	Crystal structure of the hydrolase domain of 10-formyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (wild-type) from zebrafish	2014-06-18	2015-04-15	Lin, C.C.,Chuankhayan, P.,Chang, W.N.,Kao, T.T.,Guan, H.H.,Fun, H.K.,Nakagawa, A.,Fu, T.F.,Chen, C.J.	Structures of the hydrolase domain of zebrafish 10-formyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase and its complexes reveal a complete set of key residues for hydrolysis and product inhibition.	Acta Crystallogr.,Sect.D	2015	71	1006	1021	
4QQR		Structural insight into nucleotide rhamnose synthase/epimerase-reductase from Arabidopsis thaliana	2014-06-28	2015-07-01	Han, X.,Liu, X.	Structural insight into nucleotide rhamnose synthase/epimerase-reductase from Arabidopsis thaliana	To be Published	0	0	0	0	
4UA2	26150423	Crystal structure of dual function transcriptional regulator MerR from Bacillus megaterium MB1	2014-08-07	2015-07-22	Chang, C.C.,Lin, L.Y.,Zou, X.W.,Huang, C.C.,Chan, N.L.	Structural basis of the mercury(II)-mediated conformational switching of the dual-function transcriptional regulator MerR	Nucleic Acids Res.	2015	43	7612	7623	
4XZW		Endo-glucanase chimera C10	2015-02-05	2016-02-10	Wang, A.H.J.,Lee, C.C.,Chang, C.J.,Ho, T.H.D.,Chao, Y.C.	Endo-glucanase chimera C10	To Be Published	0	0	0	0	
5F8S	27010847	Crystal structure of a Crenomytilus grayanus lectin	2015-12-09	2016-04-06	Liao, J.-H.,Chien, C.-T.,Wu, H.-Y.,Huang, K.-F.,Wang, I.,Ho, M.-R.,Tu, I.-F.,Lee, I.-M.,Li, W.,Shih, Y.-L.,Wu, C.-Y.,Lukyanov, P.A.,Hsu, S.D.,Wu, S.-H.	A Multivalent Marine Lectin from Crenomytilus grayanus Possesses Anti-cancer Activity through Recognizing Globotriose Gb3	J.Am.Chem.Soc.	2016	138	4787	4795	
4YS2		RCK domain with CDA	2015-03-16	2016-04-27	Chin, K.H.,Chou, S.H.	RCK domain with CDA	To Be Published	0	0	0	0	
5IUI	27031565	Crystal Structure of Anaplastic Lyphoma Kinase (ALK) in complex with 4	2016-03-18	2016-05-18	Tu, C.H.,Lin, W.H.,Peng, Y.H.,Hsu, T.,Wu, J.S.,Chang, C.Y.,Lu, C.T.,Lyu, P.C.,Shih, C.,Jiaang, W.T.,Wu, S.Y.	Pyrazolylamine Derivatives Reveal the Conformational Switching between Type I and Type II Binding Modes of Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK).	J.Med.Chem.	2016	59	3906	3919	
5F29	26171638	Structure of RCK domain with cda	2015-12-01	2017-02-01	Chin, K.H.,Liang, J.M.,Yang, J.G.,Shih, M.S.,Tu, Z.L.,Wang, Y.C.,Sun, X.H.,Hu, N.J.,Liang, Z.X.,Dow, J.M.,Ryan, R.P.,Chou, S.H.	Structural Insights into the Distinct Binding Mode of Cyclic Di-AMP with SaCpaA_RCK.	Biochemistry	2015	54	4936	4951	
5HXO	30023621	Crystal Structure of Z,Z-Farnesyl Diphosphate Synthase with D71M, E75A and H103Y Mutants	2016-01-31	2017-04-05	Chan, Y.T.,Ko, T.P.,Yao, S.H.,Chen, Y.W.,Lee, C.C.,Wang, A.H.	Crystal Structure and Potential Head-to-Middle Condensation Function of aZ,Z-Farnesyl Diphosphate Synthase.	Acs Omega	2017	2	930	936	
5GY0	30609216	Crystal structure of endoglucanase CelQ from Clostridium thermocellum complexed with cellotetraose	2016-09-21	2017-09-27	Jeng, W.Y.,Liu, C.I.,Lu, T.J.,Lin, H.J.,Wang, N.C.,Wang, A.H.	Crystal Structures of the C-Terminally Truncated Endoglucanase Cel9Q from Clostridium thermocellum Complexed with Cellodextrins and Tris.	Chembiochem	2019	20	295	307	
6F02		Crystal structure of human glycosylated kallistatin at 3.0 Angstrom resolution	2017-11-17	2018-12-12	Zhou, A.,Ma, L.	Crystal structure of human Kallistatin	To Be Published	0	0	0	0	
6F2Z		Structure of a Fc mutant	2017-11-27	2018-12-12	Zhou, A.,Li, S.	Structure of Fc mutant in monomeric form	To Be Published	0	0	0	0	
6JXG	31700541	Crystasl Structure of Beta-glucosidase D2-BGL from Chaetomella Raphigera	2019-04-23	2019-11-20	Kao, M.R.,Kuo, H.W.,Lee, C.C.,Huang, K.Y.,Huang, T.Y.,Li, C.W.,Chen, C.W.,Wang, A.H.J.,Yu, S.M.,Ho, T.H.D.	Chaetomella raphigerabeta-glucosidase D2-BGL has intriguing structural features and a high substrate affinity that renders it an efficient cellulase supplement for lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysis.	Biotechnol Biofuels	2019	12	258	258	
6JU0	31907057	Mouse antibody 3.3 Fab in complex with PEG	2019-04-12	2020-02-05	Lee, C.C.,Su, Y.C.,Ko, T.P.,Lin, L.L.,Yang, C.Y.,Chang, S.S.,Roffler, S.R.,Wang, A.H.	Structural basis of polyethylene glycol recognition by antibody.	J.Biomed.Sci.	2020	27	12	12	
7X4O	35506766	Crystal structure of Vps17p PX from S. cerevisiae (Space)	2022-03-03	2022-05-18	Obita, T.,Inaka, K.,Kohda, D.,Maita, N.	Crystal structure of the PX domain of Vps17p from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.	Acta Crystallogr.,Sect.F	2022	78	210	216	
7X4V		Crystal structure of Rhodostomin ARGDDP mutant	2022-03-03	2023-03-08	Chang, Y.T.,Chuang, W.J.	Crystal structure of Rhodostomin ARGDDP mutant	To be published	0	0	0	0	
8JTO		Outer membrane porin of Burkholderia pseudomallei (BpsOmp38) in complex with ceftazidime	2023-06-22	2024-06-26	Bunkum, P.,Aunkham, A.,Bert van den, B.,Robinson, R.C.,Suginta, W.	Structure and function of outer membrane protein from Burkholderia pseudomallei (BpsOmp38)	To be published	0	0	0	0	
8JTO		Outer membrane porin of Burkholderia pseudomallei (BpsOmp38) in complex with ceftazidime	2023-06-22	2024-06-26	Bunkum, P.,Aunkham, A.,Bert van den, B.,Robinson, R.C.,Suginta, W.	Structure and function of outer membrane protein from Burkholderia pseudomallei (BpsOmp38)	To be published	0	0	0	0