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Edit this X4A View change history for X4A

Beamline Name X4A
Primary Contact: NameJohn Schwanof
Secondary Contact: NameRandy Abramowitz
Owner/OperatorNew York Structural Biology Center
StatusThis beamline was shut down September 30, 2014
Status DetailsThis beamline was shut down on September 30, 2014
%Time Available (general use)25
ExperimentsMAD, SAD
ServicesRapid access
Source Typebending magnet
Source Detailsbending magnet
Spot Size (mm): Height0.3
Spot Size (mm): Width0.3
MonochromatorA KOHZU double crystal monochromator with a sagittally focused second crystal.
MirrorsTwo spherical mirrors, one is Rhodium coated. User choice of either mirror deponding on the desired energy.
Flux(PHOTONS/SEC)2 x 10^10
Flux DetailsFlux measured in 1997 corresponds to NSLS x-ray ring emittance of 90 nm-rad; NSLS x-ray ring emittance has improved to 45 nm-rad, and this has resulted in about a factor of 2 increase in the delivere
Wavelength Range (Å).620 - 3.54
Energy Range (keV)3.5 - 20
GoniometerHuber Eulerian
Detector: TypeCCD
Detector: ModelADSC QUANTUM 4
Detector: Activated for Serviceinfo currently not available
Detector: Removed from Service
Cryo CapabilityOxford Cryostream, temperature typically maintained at 100K.
Lab FacilitiesBiochemical lab with cold room
Software: NameCustom pXSCAN motion control software coupled with the ADSC ccd_sys data collection program.
Software: Classification
HardwareA Pentium 4 workstation running Linux Fedora Core 3 runs the ADSC program. A Pentium 3 running Windows 2000 runs pXSCAN. Data processing performed by twin Xeon Dell PC's running Linux along with SG
Backup ServicesDual Layer 16x DVD backup as well as backup to external USB 2.0 and Firewire hard drives.