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APS - 21-ID-D

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Beamline Name 21-ID-D
Primary Contact: NameKeith Brister
%Time Available (general use)25
ExperimentsMAD, SAD
Special CapabilitiesAbsorption Edges, Adjustable Focus Mirrors, Automated Sample Screening, High Intensity, High Resolution, Micro-diffraction
Special Capabilities Details
ServicesData collection, High quality data collection, Mail-in, Processing, Rapid access
Source Typeinsertion device
Source DetailsU33S undulator
Spot Size (mm): Height.05
Spot Size (mm): Width.05
Crystal TypeSi(111)
MirrorsBimorph K-B pair
Flux(PHOTONS/SEC)5 x 10^12
Flux Detailsmeasured at 12 keV
Wavelength Range (Å)0.62 - 1.91
Energy Range (keV)6.5 - 20
Sample Handling: Robotics(CATS) Cryogenic Auto Transfer System
Robotics: More InfoSPINE Baskets and Rigaku Magazines supported. See http://ls-cat.org/pinsCapsVials.html
1. Detector: TypeCCD
1. Detector: ModelMARMOSAIC 300
1. Detector: Activated for Service2007-11-01
1. Detector: Removed from Service
2. Detector: TypeCCD
2. Detector: ModelMARmosaic 225
2. Detector: Activated for Service2006-12-01
2. Detector: Removed from Service2007-10-01
Cryo CapabilityOxford Cryojet
Lab FacilitiesNORMAL
Software: NameMD-2 diffractometer software from EMBL (with LS-CAT developed extensions) for sample mounting, centering, beamline diagnostics, and data colection. VME EPICS/MEDM low-level interface
Software: Classification
HardwarePMAC Turbo motion control, and Linus workstations for data collection and processing.