Primary Contact: Name | Vukica Srajer |
Secondary Contact: Name | Robert Henning |
Owner/Operator | BioCARS, CARS, The University of Chicago |
Status | Operational |
%Time Available (general use) | 100 |
Experiments Details | Standard fixed wavelength macromolecular crystallography. Well suited for crystallography of viruses and protein crystals with large unit cells, as well as collection of ultra-high resolution data. On-line and off-line micro-spectrophotometry is available. Fiber diffraction is also supported. Supports work with biohazards at BSL-2 and BSL-3 levels. |
Special Capabilities | High Resolution, Biohazardous Samples (BSL-2/3), On-line Micro-spectrophotometry |
Services | Data collection, Rapid access |
Source Type | bending magnet |
Spot Size (mm): Height | 0.20 |
Spot Size (mm): Width | 0.13 |
Monochromator | bent Ge(111) |
Crystal Type | Ge(111) |
Mirrors | bent conical Si, Rh coated |
Flux(PHOTONS/SEC) | 6 x 10^11 |
Flux Details | @ 12.668KeV |
Wavelength Range (Å) | Fixed: 0.979 |
Energy Range (keV) | Fixed: 12.668 |
Goniometer | kappa goniometer w/ automated crystal centering |
Detector: Type | CCD |
Detector: Model | ADSC QUANTUM 315 |
Detector: Activated for Service | 2004-02-01 |
Detector: Removed from Service | |
Cryo Capability | Oxford Cryojet |
Lab Facilities | Micro-spectrophotometer, Laser Lab (ns and ps lasers), Biosafety Cabinet, Cold Room |
Software: Name | Beamline control:EPICS; Data acquisition: BioCARS-developed GUI; Data processing: HKL2000, Denzo/HKL, Mosflm, EPMR, Phaser, Solve/Resolve, CCP4, SHELX, O, XtalView, Precognition (Laue software) |
Software: Classification | Control/collection, Processing, Modeling/graphics |
Backup Services | user-provided firewire and USB drives |