Primary Contact: Name | Tom Caradoc-Davies |
Owner/Operator | Australian Synchrotron |
Status | operational |
%Time Available (general use) | 50 |
Experiments | MAD |
Services | Data collection |
Services Details | Full remote access available for data-collection |
Source Type | bending magnet |
Spot Size (mm): Height | 0.09 |
Spot Size (mm): Width | 0.13 |
Monochromator | Double Si with sagittaly bent second crystal |
Crystal Type | Si(111) |
Mirrors | Si ans Rh coatings |
Flux(PHOTONS/SEC) | 1.5 x 10^11 |
Flux Details | 200 mA at 12.95keV |
Wavelength Range (Å) | 0.688 - 2.48 |
Energy Range (keV) | 6 - 17.5 |
Goniometer | Custom single omega axis air bearing with micropositioning X-Y stage |
Sample Handling: Robotics | (SAM) Stanford Automated Mounting System |
1. Detector: Type | CCD |
1. Detector: Model | ADSC QUANTUM 210r |
1. Detector: Activated for Service | 2008-01-01 |
1. Detector: Removed from Service | |
2. Detector: Type | CCD |
2. Detector: Model | MAR 165 mm |
2. Detector: Activated for Service | 2007-01-01 |
2. Detector: Removed from Service | 2007-12-31 |
2. Removed from Service: Details | Replaced with an ADSC Q210r in 2008 |
Cryo Capability | Oxford Cryojet |
Lab Facilities | Biochemistry lab |
Software: Name | Blu-Ice GUI interface to EPICS control |
Software: Classification | |
Hardware | Linux workstations, 40TB Storage Array |
Backup Services | USB, IEEE1394, GRID access, SSL transfer |