Owner/Operator | CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory |
Status | Decommissioned |
Experiments | MAD - SAD - Monochromatic |
Special Capabilities | fluoresence scans |
Source Details | Shut down March 2007 |
Spot Size (mm): Height | 0.3 |
Spot Size (mm): Width | 0.4 |
Monochromator | horizontally focusing optimized for 1.488 and 0.98A |
Crystal Type | Si (111) |
Mirrors | Vertically focusing 1.2 m long Si substrate, Rh coated |
Flux(PHOTONS/SEC) | 1.4 x 10^13 |
Flux Details | |
Wavelength Range (Å) | 0.979 - 1.42 |
Energy Range (keV) | 8.73 - 12.66 |
Goniometer | Huber single axis rotation camera |
Detector: Type | CCD |
Detector: Model | ADSC QUANTUM 4r |
Detector: Activated for Service | 1999-11-01 |
Detector: Removed from Service | 2007-03-31 |
Cryo Capability | Oxford instruments cryojet |
Lab Facilities | structural biology lab - www.srs.dl.ac.uk/sbl |
Software: Name | Denzo, Mosflm |
Software: Classification | |
Hardware | DECalphas |
Backup Services | tapes (DAT and DLT4000), ftp |