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Edit this BL-18B View change history for BL-18B

Beamline Name BL-18B
Owner/OperatorStructural Biology Research Center
Status DetailsThis beamline was decommissioned in February 2005
Spot Size (mm): Height0.5
Spot Size (mm): Width0.4
Monochromatorfixed exit double crystal
Crystal TypeSi(111), Ge (220)
MirrorsPt coated bent cylindrical mirror of fused quartz
Flux(PHOTONS/SEC)4.0 x 10^10
Flux Details@2.5 GeV, 300 mA
Wavelength Range (Å)0.5 - 2.0
Energy Range (keV)6.5 - 24.8
Detector: TypeCCD
Detector: ModelADSC QUANTUM 4r
Detector: Activated for Serviceinfo currently not available
Detector: Removed from Service
Cryo CapabilityRIGAKU Cryosystems
Lab Facilitieswet lab and cold room
Software: NameHKL2000, DPS/Mosflm/Scala
Software: Classification
HardwarePentium 600MHz
Backup ServicesDAT drive, SCSI port and network port