Primary Contact: Name | David Schuller |
Secondary Contact: Name | Marian Szebenyi |
Owner/Operator | CHESS/MacCHESS |
Status | Decommissioned |
%Time Available (general use) | 100 |
Experiments | SAD, MONOCHROMATIC |
Experiments Details | Suitable for Se SAD |
Special Capabilities | BSL-2 biohazards accepted |
Services | High quality data collection |
Services Details | Mail-in, remote data collection available |
Source Details | 24-pole 1.2 Tesla wiggler |
Spot Size (mm): Height | 0.1 (collimator) or 0.02 (focusing capillary) mm |
Spot Size (mm): Width | 0.1 (collimator) or 0.02 (focusing capillary) mm |
Monochromator | Single-crystal Si(111) |
Mirrors | Upstream white-beam collimating |
Flux(PHOTONS/SEC) | 3.0 x 10^11 |
Flux Details | doubly-focused into 3.6 mm x 0.32 mm |
Wavelength Range (Å) | Fixed: 0.98 |
Energy Range (keV) | Fixed: 12.68 |
Goniometer | Single-axis ABTech air bearing with phi horizontal rotation axis. |
Sample Handling: Robotics | ALS type automounter |
Robotics: More Info | BAM-2, accepts MSC pucks, Unipucks, Rigaku pucks |
1. Detector: Type | CCD |
1. Detector: Model | ADSC Quantum 270 |
1. Detector: Activated for Service | 2007-03-01 |
1. Detector: Removed from Service | 2015-05-15 |
1. Removed from Service: Details | Replaced by Pilatus 6M, available as spare |
2. Detector: Type | PIXEL |
2. Detector: Model | DECTRIS PILATUS 6M |
2. Detector: Details | 1 mm thick Si sensor |
2. Detector: Activated for Service | 2015-05-15 |
2. Detector: Removed from Service | 2015-05-15 |
Cryo Capability | Oxford Cryostream - 700 series |
Cryo Capability Details | Programmable 80 to 400 K. Usually set to 100 K. |
Lab Facilities | Cold room, small wet chemistry lab on-site. Biochemical lab with all equipment necessary for structural studies in Biotechnology Building (a 10-minute walk away). |
1. Software: Name | ADX package from ADSC for CCD and overall control; rspec and spec for other hardware control; |
1. Software: Classification | |
2. Software: Name | HKL2000, Mosflm, XDS |
2. Software: Classification | Processing |
3. Software: Name | CCP4, SOLVE/RESOLVE, BnP |
3. Software: Classification | Phasing/refinement |
4. Software: Name | COOT, O |
4. Software: Classification | Modeling/graphics |
Hardware | Linux computers for data collection, data processing, automatic crystal centering, backup and for station hardware control. |
Backup Services | Wired and wireless connections for user laptops. Ports for USB and FireWire external drives. SFTP to outside computers. |