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Beamline Name GCPCC
Primary Contact: NameNathan Gilbert
Secondary Contact: NameRobert Fox
Owner/OperatorGulf Coast Protein Crystallography Consortium (GCPCC)
%Time Available (general use)25
Special CapabilitiesAbsorption Edges
Special Capabilities Detailscyberstar flourescence detector for MAD
ServicesMail-in, On-site cyrstallization facility, Rapid access
Source Typeinsertion device
Source Details7.5 T super-conducting, multiple pole wiggler
Spot Size (mm): Height0.26
Spot Size (mm): Width0.8
Monochromatorchannel cut monochromator
Crystal TypeSi (111)
MirrorsVertical collimating mirror, toroidal focusing mirror, Rh coated
Flux(PHOTONS/SEC)5.0 x 10^9
Flux Details200 micron square aperature - measured at 8980 eV 100 mA ring current
Wavelength Range (Å)0.69 - 1.77
Energy Range (keV)7.0 - 18.0
Goniometer DetailsChi motion for crystal mounting, 2 theta motion, motorized crystal centering
Sample Handling: ManualAny pin length, screw type vials strongly discouraged
Sample Handling: Roboticscan mount directly from vial with chi motion
Detector: TypeCCD
Detector: ModelMAR 165mm
Detector: Detailsdistance 70 - 380 mm, 2 theta 0 - 30 deg
Detector: Activated for Service2002-03-14
Detector: Removed from Service
Cryo CapabilityOxford Instruments Cryojet
Cryo Capability Detailscryojet under computer control
Lab Facilitiesanaerobic chamber, cold room
Software: NameMX for beamline control, marccd for data collection, HKL2000, iMosflm, CCP4, phenix, coot
Software: Classification
HardwareLinux PCs for beamline control, data collection, and data processing. 1 TB NAS
Backup Services CDs, DVDs, external USB and SATA hard drives.