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APS - 8-BM

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Beamline Name 8-BM
Status Detailscurrently out of service - being move to 24-BM
%Time Available (general use)25
Spot Size (mm): Height0.33 mm
Spot Size (mm): Width0.5 mm
Monochromatordouble crystal monochromator
Crystal TypeSi (111), 2nd crystal sagittal focus
MirrorsRh coated bent cylinder vertically focusing
Flux(PHOTONS/SEC)1 x 10^11
Flux Detailsthrough 0.2 mm aperture
Wavelength Range (Å)0.886 - 1.908
Energy Range (keV)6.5 - 14
GoniometerHuber Kappa
Goniometer Detailsdata collection done on a single axis
Detector: TypeCCD
Detector: ModelADSC QUANTUM 315
Detector: Activated for Serviceinfo currently not available
Detector: Removed from Service
Cryo CapabilityOxford instruments Cryojet.
Lab Facilities4C coldroom, and two incubators (4 and 18C). Additional lab equipment is available.
Software: NameCCP4, Solve, Resolve, HKL2000, CNS
Software: Classification
HardwareLinux computers
Backup ServicesDVD, USB2 disks