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Explore sites in the Americas, Europe, Asia/Oceania: See which sites offer remote data collection; mail-in, crystallization and structure solution services; robotics for crystal screening and mounting; microfocus beams and facilities for collecting data under extreme conditions.

Search the facilities: Query across sites/beamlines to find particular detectors, robotics, special capabilities, etc. Information on the depositor's country of origin is also available.

View the statistics: Available for Protein Data Bank (PDB) depositions for which data has been collected at a synchrotron site.

Synchrotron Personnel: Login and update beamline files with an easy to use graphical interface.

Comments and suggestions for this site should be sent to: BioSync@sbkb.org.

BioSync provides up-to-date information on over 130 beamlines at worldwide synchrotron radiation facilities where biological macromolecules are studied

Protein Data Bank structure depositions determined by X-ray methods: total vs. synchrotron


Regional distribution of PDB structures determined at synchrotron facilities through 2023


Date of last update: 2024-10-08

Related Links

  • lightsources.org: Information and educational materials about the world's light source facilities
  • RoboSync: A list of robotic handling systems at synchrotron facilities
  • Radiation Damage: Table of radiation damage rates compiled by James Holton at ALS
