Change history for ALS - 5.0.2


Date/time of ChangeAttributePrevious ValueUpdated Value
2019-07-16 07:15:51 Detector: Model ADSC Quantum 315r DECTRIS PILATUS 6M
2019-07-16 07:15:31 Detector: Type CCD PIXEL
2019-07-16 07:15:10 Detector: Type PIXEL CCD
2019-07-16 07:14:44 Detector: Type PIXEL PIXEL
2019-07-16 07:14:28 Detector: Type CCD PIXEL
2019-07-16 07:14:10 Detector: Activated for Service 2019-01-01 2016-01-01
2019-07-16 07:14:04 Detector: Activated for Service info currently not available 2019-01-01
2019-07-16 07:13:28 Detector: Removed from Service 2019-07-01 2015-12-31
2019-07-16 07:13:06 Detector: Removed from Service 2019-07-01
2016-08-17 03:21:52 Beamline Website
2016-08-17 03:21:39 Primary Contact: Name Peter Zwart Marc Allaire
2016-08-17 03:21:30 Primary Contact: Email
2013-06-19 08:56:33 Flux Exponent 11 12
2013-06-19 08:56:28 Flux Coefficient 8 1.5
2013-06-19 08:56:06 Flux Details Measured flux through 100um collimator at 400mA ring current and 1.5mrad convergence Measured flux through 100um collimator at 400mA ring current and 2.0mrad convergence
2013-02-19 05:29:09 Robotics: More Info robot takes both the ALS-style pucks and the Unipucks. These pucks hold 16 pins each, and there are 6 puck slots in the robot dewar. robot takes both the ALS-style pucks and the Unipucks. These pucks hold 16 pins each, and there are 12 puck slots in the robot dewar.
2012-10-25 01:15:01 Source Type bending magnet INSERTION DEVICE
2012-10-25 01:13:22 Detector: Model ADSC QUANTUM 315 ADSC Quantum 315r
2012-10-25 01:12:57 Secondary Contact: Email
2012-10-25 01:12:50 Secondary Contact: Name Corie Ralston
2012-10-25 01:12:40 Spot Size (mm): Width 0.1 20 to 150um user-adjustable aperture
2012-10-25 01:12:35 Spot Size (mm): Height .1 20 to 150um user-adjustable aperture